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Thread: Dota Questions AND Answers [UPDATED]

  1. #1
    Honored Member
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    Dota Questions AND Answers [UPDATED]

    Q: How can I play DotA?
    A: First you need to set up warcraft to play on our server . Info -[URL=""] here[/URL] , register your account on this forum. Then download dota map from [URL=""][/URL]

    Q: What does DotA stands for?
    A: Dota = Defence of the acients

    Q: What are the most common game modes , and what they stand for?
    A: The most common are:
    cm- captains mode, 1 captain per team, bans and picks are done in following order: 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-2-2-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1
    ap - all pick (all players pick heroes)
    ar - all random (all players get random heroes)
    no mode (u dont type anything) - you can pick only heroes from sentinel or scourge depending are you on team 1 or 2
    rd - random draft (Players pick from randomly chosen heroes , in exact order)
    cd- captain's draft (Same as random draft, only difference are 2 bans before picking phase)
    sp- shuffle players (players are randomly mixed intro the teams)
    np - no powerups (no runes eg double dmg , haste etc)
    om - only mid (creeps will show up only on mid)
    ns- no swap (u cant swap heroes)
    nr - no repick (u cant repick hero)
    em - easy mode (extra gold , towers are weaker)
    switch - used when there are leavers in one team, to make balance
    Q: What orb effects stack and what orb effects don't stack?
    A: Everything about orbs effects you can find [URL=""]here [/URL]

    Q: Does the evade chance from butterfly and radiance stack if I make for example 2 butterflys or 2 radiances?
    A: No, it doesn't stuck. Also if you make it on heroes who have evasion as spells like mortred, gondar, panda etc it will NOT stuck.
    note: Evasion will work on void and spectre because they have spells whish are not the same buff (enemy doesnt get miss , attack is reflected on spectre and absorbed on void, not evaded)

    Q: Does evasion stuck with rikimaru cloud?
    A: Evasion is a passive skill giving a chance to avoid physical attack.
    Smoke Screen gives enemies Miss Chance on physical attack, thus it stacks with Evasion.
    Note that Avatared units will still miss due to Evasion, but will not be affected by Smoke Screen.

    Q: Does the aura from radiance stack if I make 2 radiances or a team mtte has another one?
    A: No its doesnt stack !
    note: If you have radiance , your illusion will have aoe dmg also

    Q: Does maim from Sange stack?
    A: It doesn't stack but have in mind that it's not orb effect anymore!

    Q: Does yasha and s&y stack
    A: Yes at speed, and ms bonuses DO stack, because buff from s&y is different from buff from yasha, while 2 yashas wont stuck

    Q: How much money do i get from selling an item??
    A: For all items you get 50% of the money you spent for it. Exeption are recepies and for them you get 75% gold

    Q: Does the bash from bashers, MKB and hero passive bash stack?
    A:MKB and passive ability does stack, but basher and passive ability doesn't.

    Q: If I have a hero that has critical strike chance, is it good if I make Buriza for example?
    A:No it is not, its much better to increase dmg or attack speed. Also if 2 crits happen in the same time the lower one will work (crit from mortreds ulty and from buriza, or buriza and cristalis)

    Q: Do hoods of defiance stack in magic resistance?
    A: More hoods or hood+cloak do NOT stuck, but hood stacks with spells which gives magic resistance , like on pudge, magina , viper etc

    Does BKB cancel buffs like Runes , god strength and similar?
    A: BKB removes most active buffs such as Troll's Rampage or runes (DD, Haste, Regen). However active non-targeted abilities which give bonuses such as Sven's God's Strength will work if you use them AFTER you activate BKB.
    So let's say you picked up a DD rune with Sven, you go mid where everyone is pushing, activate BKB and then activate God's Strength. You cancel out DD because you used BKB after getting the rune, but you still get God's Strength because you activated BKB before using your ultimate.
    In other words, use BKB first, then everything else

    Q: Does cleaving attack stack?
    A: Yes cleaving (splash) attacks totaly stuck, if you make 6 furys you will have 210% splash dmg

    Q: What type of damage does blade mail return?
    A: It returns every damage type (both magic and physical damage).

    Q: What is the best counter for heroes with bash?
    A: Well for heroes like troll , void etc its the best to make hex , and kill them before they attack you. Also perma bash is possible only for melee heroes (You will not get much benefit if you make few bashers on a ranged hero), so hp+armour+Blade mail/s can be very nice counter. For support heroes you can buy ghost scpeter, although its risky since it cost a lot of gold and makes you very vulnerable to nukes.

    Q: Does attack speed stacks? Like for example if I make Hand of Midas, Power Treads and Cuirass?
    A: Yes all ats items DO stack

    Q: Does the armor from Cuirass stacks if I make another one?
    A: No, 2 same buffs never stuck

    Q: From where can I get Aegis?
    A: You can get an aegis by killing roshan, after death you will revive at the same place with full hp.

    Q: What is courier good for, and is it worth of upgrading?
    A: You will be able to stay on line much longer , because youll get all needed items by your courier. Yes it is worth, bird is very usefull because of great speed and inveruability spell. It can be used very nice for placing wards or exploring.

    Q: How can I see invisible heroes?
    A: You need to buy gem of true sight, place sentry wards or use dust.

    If you have some questions feel free to post them here.
    Last edited by Slayzer; 7th May 2011 at 02:33 PM. Reason: updated

  2. #2
    At the edge of sanity Avalon's Avatar
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    heres a question that bothers me.
    as i know lothar sucks on pudge.
    but,i gave a second thought,why would it suck?
    activating root and then lothar,being able to slow the target more freely due to lothars speed.hooking or ulting from invi having the surprise advantage,being able to escape from gangs at will.same for other str heroes if i think about it i get only + and no -
    so my question is why does lothar on STR heroes suck?
    it may be a noob question but some people could not understand please enlighten me.

  3. #3
    I AM IN UR GAME, MAPHACKING I'm here for more than 1 year and I am banned! I'M SUCH A NO LIFE STUPID KID!
    Shoocky3V's Avatar
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    it doesnt suck on all str heroes.. but for pudge its just a 3300 waste of gold

    i mean if you get it on apemeugodlike it can be good, but otherwise just spending 3.3k for nothing.

    if u rly want to get smth get force staff, its more fun for sure
    random ritords
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    <Psycho-> lol
    <Psycho-> ja uradim
    <Psycho-> 3 skleka
    <Psycho-> i ocu da zovem
    <Psycho-> hitnu
    <Psycho-> xD

  4. #4
    Safelist Member
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    omg stfu shoki

  5. #5
    Safelist Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Avalon View Post
    heres a question that bothers me.
    as i know lothar sucks on pudge.
    but,i gave a second thought,why would it suck?
    activating root and then lothar,being able to slow the target more freely due to lothars speed.hooking or ulting from invi having the surprise advantage,being able to escape from gangs at will.same for other str heroes if i think about it i get only + and no -
    so my question is why does lothar on STR heroes suck?
    it may be a noob question but some people could not understand please enlighten me.
    Rot doesn't deal damage or slow opponents if you are invisible.

  6. #6
    Registered User CoMMoN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rapboy View Post
    Rot doesn't deal damage or slow opponents if you are invisible.
    it used to work for a while in dota2, not sure now in dota 1 or dota 2 cause i haven't played in a while
    lothar on pudge is fucking stupid anyway even if it works, for 3k gold you can get way more useful stuff

  7. #7
    New User
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    Feb 2013
    How do I find dota games on the server? There is nothing under custom games tab -.-

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