Hello Evrybody.
Its A Little bit difficult to explain the situation. but i will try so u guys will understand me somehow i hope.
Its about a issue That Startet By a Game play in Dota. The Dude ^-Raziel-^ Who Requstet a ban for Cice555, Needs also to request about him self a ip lock. But the Thing is we dont have evidence or scren shots or something else. because he also whisperd and flamed. In we i mean me and my brother.
So I think its a missunderstood, because they were arguee and its about they bouth needed to be adviced not to mix up other familly members in theyr stupid dota game. So I think its not Fair to be ip locked because they bouth were flameing to eachother. and honestly i play too on weekends. I think he had his lesson not playing 2 days. I also arguee with him because its not good at all to flame about somebodys mother. since we dont have one.
With this post i friendly ask u to unlock this ip. so we can play on weekend. Thx for understanding.
