Slain for sins of heresy by men who declared themselves holy, death only gifted Rotund'jere with an immense wrath for the living, that he can express by sending evil spirits at his foes. Taking pleasure and growing more powerful every time a living thing dies by his hands, each step of his reeks of death, and his very presence makes living things rot and wither. Now a master of torture and pain, the Necrolyte mercilessly slays any weaklings who might cross his path, always with a nasty smile on his dead face.

Rotund'jere, the Necrolyte

1.0 Introduction
1.1 Hero stats
1.2 Pros and Cons
1.3 Skills

2.0 Skill Builds
2.1 Standard Skill Build
2.2 Second Skill Build

3.0 Item Satisfaction
3.1 Rejected Items
4. Gameplay
5. Best Allies
6. Worst Enemies

1.0 Introduction
Necrolyte is one of not so common all-role heroes. He can do a great job as a solo mid/other lane since his attack animation and damage are very good for last-hitting and harasing, he has Heartstopper Aura so meele heroes don't have much fun farming/laning versus him, he farm really efficient with his Death Pulse and Sadist, he can control team-fights by healing/damaging opponents, can kill enemy hero within seconds with his ultymate, so he can do a great job as a semi-carry. Because of his heal, he can do a good job baby-sitting other heroes on lane. This isn't his primary role, but, he can do it well. He has tons of Health Points so he can be a good late-game tank, so, thats it with his roles.

1.1 Hero Stats

Strength: 16 + 2.0/level
Agility: 15 + 1.7/level
Intelligence: 22 + 2.5/level
Affiliation: Scourge
Base Damage: 44-48
Base Armour: 1.1
Base Movespeed: 290
Attack Range: 600

1.2 Pros and Cons
-High intellect gain
-Excellent Attack Animation for LastHitting/Harasing
-Can be played in many roles
-Good Pusher
-Great Performance In Team-Fights
-Sadist allows him to stay on lane farming for a long time

-Very Fragile hero at start
-Needs to farm a lot since he is item dependent
-Low armor
-Heathstopper aura shows his presence within 1000range

1.3 Skills

Death Pulse
The Necrolyte releases a wave of death from the core of his being, dealing damage to enemies and healing allies.
Level 1: costs 125 mana, 8 cooldown, 400 range, damage 75, heals 50
Level 2: costs 145 mana, 7 cooldown, 450 range, damage 125, heals 75
Level 3: costs 165 mana, 6 cooldown, 475 range, damage 200, heals 100
Level 4: costs 185 mana, 5 cooldown, 500 range, damage 275, heals 120
Notes: Unavoidable in any way, spammable, main skill.

Heartstopper Aura
The deathly air stills the hearts of his opponents, causing them to lose a percentage of their max health over time.
Level 1: takes away 0.4% health per second
Level 2: takes away 0.6% health per second
Level 3: takes away 0.8% health per second
Level 4: takes away 1% health per second

Reveling in death and pain, the Necrolyte regains mana for killing units.
Level 1: 12 mana per kill
Level 2: 24 mana per kill
Level 3: 36 mana per kill
Level 4: 48 mana per kill
Notes: Good for spamming spells, works with denies.

Reaper's Scythe
Brings a target to full realization of its own mortality, dealing damage based on how much life the target is missing. Stuns for 1.5 seconds.
Level 1: 0.4(0.6) damage per health gone, 100(70) cooldown, 175(150) mana cost
Level 2: 0.6(0.9) damage per health gone, 85(70) cooldown, 340 mana cost
Level 3: 0.9(1.20) damage per health gone, 70 cooldown, 500 mana cost
Notes: Aghanim's Scepter upgrades are in brackets, basicly can almost always kill at 25% health at level 3.
2. Skill Builds
2.1 Standard (recommended) skill build
~1 Death Pulse
~2 Heartstopper Aura
~3 Death Pulse
~4 Heartstopper Aura
~5 Death Pulse
~6 Reaper's Scythe
~7 Death Pulse
~8 Heartstopper Aura
~9 Heartstopper Aura
~10 Sadist
~11 Reaper's Scythe
~12 Sadist
~13 Sadist
~14 Sadist
~15 Stats
~16 Reaper's Scythe

2.1 Second Skill Build
~1 Death Pulse
~2 Sadist
~3 Death Pulse
~4 Sadist
~5 Death Pulse
~6 Reaper's Scythe
~7 Death Pulse
~8 Sadist
~9 Sadist
~10Heartstopper Aura
~11 Reaper's Scythe
~12 Heartstopper Aura
~13 Heartstopper Aura
~14 Heartstopper Aura
~15 Stats
~16 Reaper's Scythe
~17-25 Stats

This build is used when your aura has no real use, since your opponent is a range carry, staying back and only last-hitting creeps, so you can take early sadist and spam Death Pulse so you push towers fast.
3.0 Items

Starting Items

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MidGame(Core) Items

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LateGame(Luxury) Items

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3.1 Rejected Items

Yes, you don't need this.

Refresher orb is what you really do not need. You have really low cooldown on ultimate later, so, this is pure no.

DPS items aren't made for Necrolyte, since he is spell damage dealer, and he doesn't do much damage by hitting opponents, this items are just no.

No,no,no. This item does not help you at all, you already have a highly effective escaping mechanism, you do not need this. Also, Mjolnir, Diffusal Blade, Manta Style, Cranium Basher and rest belong to Rejected items group.