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Thread: Tauren Chieftain guide by ^FEAR

  1. #1 Backer ^FEAR's Avatar
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    Tauren Chieftain guide by ^FEAR

    Tauren Chieftain guide by ^FEAR
    (Written for version 6.61b)

    1.0 Hero overview

    Background story: Since ancient times it has been prophesized by the Tauren elders that a Chieftain will come, strong as the mightiest warriors and wise as the eldest shamans. After many years of wandering the sacred lands, seeking wisdom from his forefathers, Cairne Bloodhoof has proven himself as the long awaited hero. Cairne carries with him the spirit of his mightiest ancestor, and now the ground shakes with the combined strength of the Chieftain and his guardian spirit. No physical nor magical barrier can reduce the power of his enchanted halberd, the weapon used by his guardian in ancient times. Such is the power of this axe that it can split the very earth itself. Seeking revenge for the ravaging of his homeland, Cairne will soon bring his wrath upon the Scourge.

    Comment: Personally I think this hero is way overpowered and by having decent TC player in your team you got half game won and I also think he should be banned in any organised game. What makes him so imba? He has way too long range disables which last way too long and are way too easy to place. His stats growth is very good as well. He is good in any lineup and can either solo or dual lane effectively making him top competitive pick. I hope this guide will help you to improve your play with this hero, enjoy reading.


    • Affiliation: Sentinel
    • STR: 24 + 2.3 ( primary )
    • AGI: 14 + 1.5
    • INT: 23 +1.6
    • Attack Animation: 0.35 / 0.97
    • Damage: 47-57
    • Casting Animation: 0.4 / 0.8
    • Armor: 3
    • Base Attack Time: 1.7
    • Movespeed: 310
    • Missile Speed: Instant
    • Attack Range: 128 (melee)
    • Sight Range: 1800/800

    2.0 Skill overview

    | Echo stomp

    Description: Calls upon the spirit of his ancestors to join him in an earth-shattering echo, rendering nearby foes unconscious. The spirit and Tauren Chieftain both deal 80 damage in the area, the Spirit dealing magical damage and the physical form dealing physical damage. Unconscious enemies will wake if they get hit. If the spirit is separated from you, it will still perform its part of the spell. 1.4 second cast time.

    • 15 second cooldown
    • 100/115/130/145 mana cost
    • 80 damage at all levels
    • Area of range of 500
    • 2/3/4/5 second duration

    Special note:

    • Damage type: Magical (Spirit), Physical (Tauren)

    Comment: Combined with Ancestral spirit this is surely one of best initiation skills in DotA and synergies well with Earth splitter. Note that units which get hit by this go to some sort of sleep and wake up when they receive any hero based damage, meaning creeps and towers can attack them without waking them up.

    | Ancestral spirit

    Description: The Tauren Chieftain sends forth his guardian ancestor to bring ruin upon his foes. While separate from the Chieftain, the spirit will mimic his movement and damage any unit it passes through. When it rejoins the Chieftain, it grants him bonus damage and movement speed for each enemy it has struck.

    • 19 second cooldown at all levels
    • 110 mana cost at all levels
    • AoE of 250
    • Duration of 8 seconds after spirit re-unites with you

      • Level 1: Deals 120 damage. Gives 3 attack damage and 1% speed per creep, and 10 attack damage and 5% speed per hero.
      • Level 2: Deals 160 damage. Gives 6 attack damage and 1% speed per creep, and 20 attack damage and 5% speed per hero.
      • Level 3: Deals 200 damage. Gives 9 attack damage and 1% speed per creep, and 30 attack damage and 5% speed per hero.
      • Level 4: Deals 240 damage. Gives 12 attack damage and 1% speed per creep, and 40 attack damage and 5% speed per hero.

    Special note:
    • The spirits movements are Tauren Chieftain's own but mirrored.

    Comment: Combined with Echo stomp makes you one of best initiators in DotA. Spirit will copy all your movement along with using Echo stomp will full effect meaning you just send spirit over then use Echo stomp and don't make mistake of moving when channeling. Due to long cast range and big AoE of Echo stomp you can catch 3/5 enemies without problem, then finish them off with Earth splitter.

    | Natural order

    Description: The Tauren Chieftain uses wisdom gathered throughout the ages to reduce everything to its most basic level. Removes base Magic and Physical resistance.

    • AoE of 250
    • 20%/40%/60%/80% reduction

    Special note:

    • The Ancestral Spirit also has this ability.

    Comment: Very good skill but most people understand it wrong thinking it nullifies ALL armor and magic resistance while in fact only nullifies BASE armor and magic resistance. So, if hero has 9 base + 10 armor it won't count his base 9 armor but only 10 from items etc. However, if hero doesn't have Hood of Defiance his magic resistance will indeed be 0% making them receive pure damage from spells while you are in aura's range.

    | Earth splitter

    Description: Using his mighty axe, the Tauren Chieften rends the very earth itself, sending a jagged crack under the feet of his enemies. After several seconds the earth implodes, sending his foes tumbling inwards. Any unit caught in the implosion will take damage based on their maximum life and have their speed slowed for a short time. Implodes after 3 seconds. Deals 35% of a unit's maximum HP.

    • Mana cost of 175 at all levels
    • 90/75/60 cooldown
    • Huge casting range of 1600
    • AoE of 350 width and 2400 distance
    • Duration of 3/4/5 seconds
      • Level 1: Deals 35% of targets maximum hp, and slows 30% for 3 seconds.
      • Level 2: Deals 35% of targets maximum hp, and slows 40% for 4 seconds.
      • Level 3: Deals 35% of targets maximum hp, and slows 50% for 5 seconds.

    Special note:

    • The whole crack implodes 3 seconds after casting.
    • The crack extends with a speed of 900, to maximum distance of 2400.

    Comment: Great skill combined with Echo stomp's sleep time which allows you to place it perfectly. Good placed Echo stomp is 99% battle won. Note that maim goes through BKB while damage does not.

    3.0 Skill and item build

    1. Ancestral spirit
    2. Echo stomp
    3. Ancestral spirit
    4. Echo stomp
    5. Ancestral spirit
    6. Earth splitter
    7. Ancestral spirit
    8. Echo stomp
    9. Echo stomp
    10. Natural order
    11. Earth splitter
    12. Natural order
    13. Natural order
    14. Natural order
    15. Attribute bonus
    16. Earth splitter

    Justification: Ancestral spirit is your main farming, damaging, initiating and kill stealing tool and therefore maxed first. Due to crazy synergy between Echo stomp and Ancestral spirit, Echo stomp is maxed next. Since all TC's skills are too good to pass for up for attributes, after maxing those 2 we'll take Natural order. Earth splitter whenever possible. Now items:

    Starting items:

    Quelling blade is gotten for imba easy last hitting due to your high base damage, throw it later when you need space. Branches for cheap stat boost. 1 clarity/flask/tangoes is all regen you need until you farm Bottle up.

    Early game items:

    Boots of speed 'cause it's basic item and you should get it right after Bottle. Bottle is very useful for TC 'cause he is spamming Spirit and eventually Echo stomp on lane all the time and he doesn't have highest intelligence and mana pool in the world so burst regen and rune whoring is way to go. Bracers to add up some cheap stats.

    Now there are few paths TC can choose;

    Mid game items ( DPS TC ):

    If you choose to play TC as DPS-er BF is probably best option as first major item. It gives more farming power, cheap raw damage and mana/HP regen which all comes in handy for TC. Treads are gotten over Phase/BoT in DPS build because they give IAS/DMG and decent move speed. Note that if you farm really good from start you may consider Radiance ( if you can get it before 20 minutes ) then proceed to BF. Only negative effect with Radiance is that it wakes up units that are Echo stomped. If you think you can do combo well due to huge range spells then buy it.

    Late game items ( DPS TC ):

    For DPS Desolator should be gotten next as it synergies well with Natural order. Buriza is good choice since you can expect good criticals from -tons of armor. Heart for survivability and some damage.
    Last edited by ^FEAR; 11th July 2009 at 01:27 PM.
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  2. #2 Backer ^FEAR's Avatar
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    Mid game items ( Caster TC ):

    If you plant to play TC as caster, which is best way to go IMO, you should get Travels since he doesn't make full use of power treads this way ( Phase is also good choice but I prefer BoT in this build ). Shiva should be your first major item which fixes your lack of intelligence and gives you enough mana for Refresher later + synergies well with your skills. Perservance will be turned into Refresher later.

    Late game items ( Caster TC ):

    After Shiva your aim should be Refresher for 2x Splitter/Stomp/Spirit and possible 70% hp of enemies. Since this item build gives you lesser farming power you should be happy if you get those 2. If game doesn't finish you should go Orchid/Hex next. Or something else which team needs eventually.

    Mid game items ( Tank TC ):

    If you plan to play TC as tank this is way to go. Phase boots are cheap, give some damage and most important for tank build - armor. 2 bracers are gotten for cheap stats boost. You should get Hood next and form Pipe of insight later in game. Always carry TP since you don't have BoT.

    Late game items ( Tank TC ):

    It's not expected you finish all those items but if game goes really long you should get them. Your aim should be Heart and Pipe of insight after that all items listed are just luxury. Next aim should be Assault cuirass -> Eye of Skadi. You'll need slot for TP and always carry it.

    4.0 Playing TC


    • Solo laning: Due to high base stats and damage, relatively low CD spammable nuke and damage boost from it, TC shouldn't have problem soloing lane vs most heroes. Quelling blade will allow you to out-deny and outfarm most heroes that usually solo. You should aim for fast bottle and try to get rune at every cooldown. More runes you get, more chance you'll dominate your foe. Ganking shouldn't be priority but if you see chance you should do it ( invis/haste rune ). Just send Spirit over then use Stomp and allies will take care of the rest. Once you farm core items, 2 bracers/bottle/boots, you should try to push your tower and go assist other lanes.
    • Laning with partner: Practically same as laning solo expect you got babysitter. Try to farm as fast as you can get and aim for bigger items first ( Radiance/BF etc. ) Your lane partner should leave you at some point and go gank so you get more experience. TC is best coupled with some disabler like Lion or good lane controller like Lich.


    • Ganking is pretty easy with TC but it shouldn't be your priority until you farm up core items ( Bottle/bracers/boots ). Due to insane range of Ancestral spirit and AoE of Echo stomp you can initiate undetected from woods and your allies should finish what you started. If you are not on solo lane you should gank your team's solo lane most to assist and ensure free farm for your ( most likely ) carry.

    Team battles:

    • Initiating: In battles your job is to initiate and if you do it well battle is almost won thanks to TC's imba skill arsenal. Since your spells have very long range you can, in most cases, initiate before enemy does. How to do it? When you see enemy heroes send Ancestral spirit into them, follow with casting Echo slam then sending Earth splitter. After that your allies should finish enemy team off.
    • Enemy initiates first: If you are pushing and enemy suddenly initiates first you are most likely screwed because you lose your huge range advantage. If this happens you should try Stomp if there is time to do it, if not just cast Earth splitter in most enemy heroes and hope your allies disable them for good landing.

    5.0 Other hero analysis

    Best allies

    | |

    AoE initiators synergy very well with your skills as they allow perfect placement of all your skils. They should jump first and disable enemy team for upcoming Earth splitter and eventual stomp. If you manage to do your combo successful nothing much enemy can do..

    | |

    In case you decide not to solo these guys are your best lane partners as they have good synergy with your skills, either good slow or nice disable. Maiden is also pretty nice due to Brilliance aura meaning you can spam Ancestral spirit like there is no tommorow.

    Worst enemies

    | |

    Anti tank heroes are pretty good counter to TC and should do the job if they initiate first.

    | |

    Initiators, same as you. If they manage to initiate first, you will most likely die before you unleash your combo. Watch out for Blink dagger users carefully..

    6.0 Replays and credits

    I will post replays of each build tommorow along with screenshots, it's too late now.

    As for credits, I would like to thank the following:

    • IceFrog, for this awesome map
    • Taz. , for making me write this
    • Myself, for taking effort to write this
    • You, for reading this guide

    I hope you learned something new from my guide and it helped you improve, feedback appreciated.
    Last edited by ^FEAR; 11th July 2009 at 04:26 AM.
    "I'll make him an offer he can't refuse..."

  3. #3
    Honored Member Taz.'s Avatar
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    Very use full guide, thanks a lot, for the time you took to write this .

    Just one question: What does the term "DPS TC" mean ?

    Another thing I want to know please

    Why is it so important to have a TP scroll with you ALL the time ?

    Other then that, you did a great job, and thanks for making the guide on my request

  4. #4
    Safelist Member Fika[F]'s Avatar
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    dps = damage per second (monstly meaning on attack)

    p.s. implement in best alies, heroes that need time to place good ulty, like sandking or enigma, they can walk in echo stomped oponents and cast all like np... it's imba

    and I think best build for him is something between your caster and tank build... lika shiva - hot (manapool, nice sinergy betwen thesee items for tanking)

    add that radiance in team destroy's tauren chieftains combo, it wakes up imidiatley
    Last edited by Fika[F]; 11th July 2009 at 10:18 AM.

  5. #5
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    Why is it so important to have a TP scroll with you ALL the time ?
    Thats probably the most universal thing in dota, since its considered as a must for every single hero.
    Why so? In early game it allows you to help towers being pushes, gang on other lines, get back to your line after gang, and most important save your allies if they get ganged. Just imagine that three heroes gang you, but 4 of your teammates support you by town portals to your tower, crush them, and counter push like two towers. Not to say it's one of the best running mechanisms if you know to juke, or opponents don't have disable... and ofcourse one of big life rules works in dota also - time is money, and tp is defenetly a time saver. Also its important to say that with every minute of game, importance of TP just goes higher, since smaller and smaller mistakes are getting more and more important. Simply, tp will allow you to always be where you have to, what is probably the most important thing in thing in dota.
    Last edited by eXtasY; 11th July 2009 at 12:22 PM.

  6. #6 Backer ^FEAR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fika[F] View Post
    dps = damage per second (monstly meaning on attack)

    p.s. implement in best alies, heroes that need time to place good ulty, like sandking or enigma, they can walk in echo stomped oponents and cast all like np... it's imba

    and I think best build for him is something between your caster and tank build... lika shiva - hot (manapool, nice sinergy betwen thesee items for tanking)

    add that radiance in team destroy's tauren chieftains combo, it wakes up imidiatley
    I know, but since your spells have huge range I think you can afford it. Will add it, thanks.

    'bout TP scroll refer to Extasy's post.
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  7. #7
    inactive :( MiZiGe's Avatar
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    @tp - I would add that using TPs good shows that you have at least some overview of the map, and so in fact this simple item shows you are not a complete beginner. Just imagine, a late game push with no way to port back = suicide.

    @TC guide: I would think that the quelling blade is rather useless for him, but otherwise I am happy to see that a few other players got it figured out the same way I did
    There is not much to think about the skills, I cannnot think of any situation this would vary - which makes TC a hero fit for a remake.
    I would never attempt a DPS TC, I think there are better ones, and he deals his portion of damage even with an spellcaster build. I do not understand why you get boots of travel for the caster? Imo Phase boots rock him.

    And I must say, I only bought bottle once for TC, and found it useless...

  8. #8 Backer ^FEAR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MiZiGe View Post
    @TC guide: I would think that the quelling blade is rather useless for him, but otherwise I am happy to see that a few other players got it figured out the same way I did
    Why is it rather useless? He has decent base damage and combined with Quelling blade he can outdeny/outfarm most enemies easily. In most cases you will be vs ranged enemy which will harass you when you come too close. Most ranged heroes got less damage so you can fix lack of harassing by denying them as much as you can which you do easier with Quelling blade. Only bad thing about Quelling blade is that you can't sell it later.

    There is not much to think about the skills, I cannnot think of any situation this would vary - which makes TC a hero fit for a remake.
    Agreed, this hero spoils fun.

    I would never attempt a DPS TC, I think there are better ones, and he deals his portion of damage even with an spellcaster build. I do not understand why you get boots of travel for the caster? Imo Phase boots rock him.

    And I must say, I only bought bottle once for TC, and found it useless...

    As I said, caster build is best, I just listed all possibilities.

    ( Phase is also good choice but I prefer BoT in this build )
    This. Personal preference, Phase simply lack game winning factor of BoT and I get BoT on 99% heroes. You can get Phase if you prefer them.

    I would skip bottle only if I go for early Perservance.
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  9. #9
    Registered User PROTOZZ's Avatar
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    Simply told,he sucks since he is nerfed.
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  10. #10 Backer ^FEAR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ProtosS View Post
    Simply told,he sucks since he is nerfed.
    Simply told, you never played DotA.
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  11. #11
    Honored Member Taz.'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by -eXtasY- View Post
    Thats probably the most universal thing in dota, since its considered as a must for every single hero.
    Why so? In early game it allows you to help towers being pushes, gang on other lines, get back to your line after gang, and most important save your allies if they get ganged. Just imagine that three heroes gang you, but 4 of your teammates support you by town portals to your tower, crush them, and counter push like two towers. Not to say it's one of the best running mechanisms if you know to juke, or opponents don't have disable... and ofcourse one of big life rules works in dota also - time is money, and tp is defenetly a time saver. Also its important to say that with every minute of game, importance of TP just goes higher, since smaller and smaller mistakes are getting more and more important. Simply, tp will allow you to always be where you have to, what is probably the most important thing in thing in dota.

    Very nice explanation. Thank you.

  12. #12
    Safelist Member Fika[F]'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ProtosS View Post
    Simply told,he sucks since he is nerfed.
    rofl his pasive skill that didn't make him imba at all was nerfed slightly and his stats gain a bit... but the real thing that makes him imba - "spirit echo slam" from 453243 range that does dmg, can't be stoped(since spirit is casting), boost's his attk ,ms, and sleeps oponents 5 sec while he ultys all team dmging them 35% attk and maiming 50% for 5 sec (not to mention he did dmg b4 with his spells) + it's so freaking easy to preform since all got aoe 4545466 + low cd on ulty and spirit (you can chase if someone didnt die and throw spirit again)

    simply put he'd be imba if he didnt had a fourth spell (that passive) at all
    witch is also gr8 and imba -.- in some situations

  13. #13
    Tupac Amaru Shakur ForTheLasTime's Avatar
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    I think tauren isn't balanced..

  14. #14
    Safelist Member Mr.7error's Avatar
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    There just are some situations where he is unstopable and can almost single handedly win a game.

  15. #15
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    phase/2-3 brasers/bloodstone is the best way to play tc on low/average skilled games.

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