The International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI often abbreviated) are international events of algorithms. This competition is held annually in a different country, the host receives a week's national teams from 70 countries to approximately 280 participants. Note that in this year 2011, Thailand has received huge honor of hosting the event.

The competition takes place over two rounds of five hours when he is talking about two questionnaires algorithmic nature. As a reward, the winners of the IOI will receive a medal based on their classification. This contest is a great opportunity to meet other young computer enthusiasts, particularly programming, as opposed to visit new often distant.
First, know the neighbors Flemings now they too can participate in the Olympics Belgians, the number of participants is on track to double this year. Then a brand new website has been established for OI 2011. This includes the regulation of each phase of the test, a calendar, a news module to follow the news, etc..

Also, because of the increased number of participants due to the arrival of Flanders, new regional centers will welcome the participants this year.

Conducting the test

* Registration: Registrations will close February 10, 2011.
* Semi-finals: The semifinal is a test on paper. It will be held in various regional centers (established in high schools) in each province in the country. Note that it is possible to choose a regional center during registration. This phase of testing will take place on February 16th from 2:00 p.m. and lasts only three hours absolute maximum for each participant.

You can read the resolution of this phase of the contest for more information.
* Finish: The finish is itself a proof of one part on paper and on another computer. For the section on sheet, participants will respond to that posed QCMs will usually find the possible outcome of different algorithms, and issues "normal" where participants must find the missing instructions. As for the on-machine part, participants must then solve some problems by writing programs in Java, C, C + +, Pascal or Python. The final will take place Wednesday, March 30 to 14 hours, no meeting has yet been decided.

You can read the resolution of this phase of the contest for more information.
* Awards Ceremony: The awards ceremony will be April 2, 2011, three days after the final.

High school students as part of the winners of the competition will be invited to training (algorithmic depth) of 13 days from April 11 to 24, 2011. Then they will finally have the honor to participate in the colors of Belgium, the IOI in Pattaya, Thailand.

for more info check out the officiel website [url][/url]