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Thread: Share ur thoughts,feelings,moments on xpam!

  1. #61
    Registered User [DjoxY]'s Avatar
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    Mar 2007
    In Da Ghetto
    My xpam story starts about a year ago...
    I was going with friend every day in net caffe and i just watched him playin' dota,i thought that it is the worst game but...once he wanted me to control his hero for few mins,and days and months of watching did their job i took one fuckin' kill!!!Then i was rly turned on,i started to play it every day,i have often runawayed from school to go in net caffe,and i created my acc djoxy.Like in Plavsha story,i owned one pub game with nab REplayER when i owned hard,after that i started new one and when se saw some real skill,he wispered me to join channel clan sdm,and i created gosu acc [sdm]Djoxy.Then also noob REplayER told me for dota forum.I was kicked from clan for some time,then i created acc _BackstabbeR_.ofc i got back in clan but i started with spam like _BackstabbeR_ and i decided to stay with that nick on forum.In first few months i visited forum once in few days,i didn't even knew what word ''spam'' means,then i met Plavsha,Pop,Spartan,eXeCuToR,Becko and i realized that i like that shit xD
    Then sdm boored me cuz i was grunt,with more skill then 90% shamans.Then i went to clan NDL with eXeCuToR to be shaman...I told him to create NDL clan forum what he did and we started with threads...zomg that was real ''spam''.
    We made about 30-40 pages in one or two months and my post count was 1300+ then some asshole said to op to delete our clan forum.I was fucking pissed off...About 500 my posts dissapeared,and that's why i started to visit OFFTOPIC and do some spam here
    Second thing that pissed me off was rep mafia,i was rly turned on with that,I almost beg for rep,and i had about 700-800 rep points when,and i was right behind of admins and OMGBergRush and Plavsha and then some admin gave Plavsha negative rep so he was pwned...
    And when we were on top some op fucked us with 2 mouse clicks and that's was too much for me...
    Now I am safelisted so the most of time on xpam i am in ss channel,but when i see my bro -__kuRaC..__ online i come to W3 and start with spam and flaming Becko albanian noob...xD
    I am still in sdm,proud shaman,(one of a lot of them xD)
    Anyway here i am now spaming on offtopic and pwning on xpam,so if you wanna find me just whisp me on [sdm]Djoxy and I will be there for you...
    P.S. Plavsha < all
    Last edited by [DjoxY]; 27th November 2007 at 05:49 PM.

  2. #62
    Registered User
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    Apr 2007
    Love ya too newba... R35P3C7

  3. #63
    Administrator Cen's Avatar
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    Sep 2006
    Blog Entries
    Ok, let's go

    I started playing w3 in 2006. My friend gave me the CDs and soon I realised that game is preety good. Especially story amused me. I never saw that good story. I started to play ROC campaigns, as I always do in new games. After I finished roc, I finished tft. It was gr8. then my cousin mentioned me eurobattle. My favorite game in multiplayer. I was so happy. I played pg few times on the beginning, but I sucked hard, so I simply stopped playing it. I dunno why, but pg didn't attract me. Soon I find gr8 fun in cg. I clicked random games and try some games. I don'r rly remember my first dota. I had no idea what items to buy. I remember I said: "I have 5000 gold, if anyone needs an item just tell me" . One day, I randomly clicked on angel arena x. It amuzed me. Best map I've ever seen. I was total noob ofc, I didn't even know how to pick a hero on the start. Another day, I got a stronghold map. This was gr8 map too. Ofc i didn't make any units for income, I only built towers.^^ Not to mention that I didn't know even what channel is. I mean, how can a total noob know such stuff? I started to be active on the forum from the whole beginning. I alsom decided not to change my ava. Dunno why, but I still didn't. On the forum, I met a good guy called Warchief 200. He was a good guy in those days, now he is nab (ps: it's thrall). Ppl change.^^ Well, he got me into dota. We played some games, the first one was AR and I got zeus. Ulti seemed preety good, especially when someone said "Zeus ulti" and I got a kill. Then I started to play AP or APEM only. I played with Riki for quite long time. Then I started to play with crixa. It had good ulti and stun, I actually played good with it. After crixa, it came time for Mirana. I though it is the best hero (I still think it's very good), especially that arrow was rly nice and ulti to help the team. This year, I started to use clinkz (yu probably know that, so I won't tell anything about this).

    No w3 related stuff

    When I started the activity on the forum, Moon was mod in tech support. Inovate was respected person who helped a lot of ppl. Elf was not banned those days and Arti was just another respected guy on the forum. Oh, I forgot on mem0o and jostavo. They were active too those days. Later then, Arti became xpam's top spammer, Moon was out of the forum for preety much time and Makmiler became tech supporter. I respected that man, and I still do. He is inactive now (mod in programming corner). One day, Xfire suddenly appeared on the forum, with sig: Old xpam member (I can clearly remember that) and started to reply in hacks section. Tiber was not banned that time, but was banned soon after he cr8ed topic against xfire who got mod in hacks. Before this, Moon came back and soon after this, Herr came on this server. He started to help a lot of guys so he got mod rank there (moon went inactive again). Inovate was demoted and Nazgul too. But this is near future, enough of it.

    All this time, I kept my activiti here, helping some noobs in tech, and do stuff as normal registered users do. I don't remember exactly when was it, when Rake Pm-ed me for mod rank in others section. I rejected, cuz I wanted to stay registered user. Maybe you think I am fool, but that's how I decided.

    From autumn last year till now, I posted 3 ss requests and got rejected. I know it wasn't good. First replay was totaly missed, cuz I didn't even read rules. In second one, I didn't know what last hit means. In third one I had lackness of team work and strange item build, not to mention that it was very strange game with bunch of noobs and we totaly own. Game was not good for ss at all, but it was the only one I had without leavers, so I had to try my luck.

    to be continued

    Undefeated Mad Balls Arena champion

  4. #64
    Registered User LOGiStiK's Avatar
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    Nov 2006
    Hmm well as i see everyone posted his story , i guess i'll do it too.
    7-8 years ago , don't remember exactly i was at high-school at pc class. I saw some of my class m8s playing a game (warcraft 2) , it seemed preety funny so i took it a try. I learned preety fast cuz i played strat games before (dune 2000 and some others , so i knew the basic stuff). After 1 year or 2 i saw at a pc house W3 RoC , saw it's way cooler than w2 , so i tryed this one too , i payed some money at the pc house's staff to copy the game for me , and i started playing at home the campaign , finished it a few times , then i finished it with cheats for fun .
    A few years later i heard W3 TFT came out , so i bought it , anxious to see the new campaign ,i finished that too in 1 month or 2. Especialy last mission of UD - Simphony of Frost and Flame , took me 2 weeks to get it done. I was bored , and i didn't play for like 6 months or so. Then when i went with one of my friend's 6 or 7 yrs old kid at a pc house to let him play , i saw Diablo II LoD (wasn't xpam ofc). I played diablo for 2-3 years too on a RO server.
    Then after a bit of time when i was with my char on the chat room at D2 , i saw someone from W3 and i was like WTF? W3 here? I talked about that to a few guys on the server and they told me that i can enter on bnet verry simple with W3. And so i did , but on their server , unfortunately i was dissapointed cuz there wasn't anyone on W3 , most of them played Diablo. So i asked if i can play with more , they told me i can play on blizz but i gotta buy original game , someone overheard our discussion and told me about Xpam , i was happy back then to hear i can play for free. So i entered , my first acc was Ner0 or NerO or smth like that , don't remember exactly.First guy i met was Brute_Ghoul , nobody special , just a average guy who i met in PG that told me what's the business here. I saw many Romanians here , i overheard a discussion in a PG 2v2 game , they were saying they moved from GS (the server i was on with Diablo). So because i had many friends there i decided to make a new account on xpam with the same name as the one on GS (LoGiStiK) , thinking someone would recognise me , and it happened that way.
    1 or 2 months later i heard about the forum , nothing unusual , just clicked the banner. Ironicly my first report was a maphacker in a dota game , ofc Rake who was hacks mod (like i am today) closed the thread and told me to read the rules. I read and i understood , although i made a few bad reports after but still. I also remember that Xfire wasn't mod neither supporter , he was just a spamz0r j/k. After 1-2 years i PM-ed Shakar asking how could i become admin here. He told me some stuff about being active in hacks section like Xfire was. So i started my spam frenzy on hacks section , soon after that Xfire became hacks mod and i envyed him , but i also thought 'hey if he can do it then i can too'. So i continued to spam spam spam , after a few months i saw my mistakes and what Rake/Xfire had said when they were closing thread , most of the time ofc i was wrong when i said something , almost always.
    So i started learning from mistakes and became more and more experienced.
    Despite smurf who became supporter in a few months , because he was experienced , it took me 1 year or more , people had been calling me spammer (i remember that most frequently it was efko.wbs who was saying that , mertol too i think and some others wich i don't remember , oh yea mby nooby too if i recall) everyone was asking why do i spam , and i kept saying i wanna become mod , everyone laughed and pissed me off saying i'll never be mod. Ofc one day i remember clearly , moon called me on w3-admin and asked me (along with flash) if i wanna help them in hacks section , i was delightful and ofc i said yes. I started caring more about hacks section and about what i said there. Soon after, 3 months or so i had supporter rank and 'powers'. I wish i saw the face of efko and others who said what they said when they saw me like that , and i felt victorious , not especialy cuz i became supporter , but because i proved the others wrong. Then the rest you probably know , after half an year or so i became moderator.
    And to be continued until i get smod
    Actualy if i think about it a bit , my story sounds like Naruto's
    Last edited by LOGiStiK; 16th February 2008 at 09:28 AM.

  5. #65
    Strategist [RO]Claudiu's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Where i live


    nice storyes mine is short :

    4 years ago i didnt have internet at home , i was playing from a internet caffe with very advanced computers . by that time they had 1gb ram . i was RPG game addict ( mu online , lineage 2 , dungeon siege , diablo 2 lotd etc ) i had mastered them all . i was playing lineage 2 cronicle 2 ( now they got to cronicle 7 or 8 ) i was so into that game that i played there 2 years of it , the net caffe owners got rich from the money i left them -.- .

    one day the lineage server was down and because lineage cant be played on single player i searched the computer for other games , i found :

    besides the ones i just mentioned up :

    - earths special forces
    - half life
    - condition zero
    - unreal torunament
    - delta force
    etc i cant remember them all

    - WARCRAFT 3 ( vers 1.15 or 1.16 i think ) by then u got double stats if you had an item to boost stats or something like that : if you got butterfly on mortred it boosted her base dmg and it gave aditional dmg too .

    i saw a guy playing w3 and i played with him . he taught me the game and i liked it , im not a skirmish player i started w3 with custom maps ( angel arena , tower defense , dota ) my first dota map was 5.84c , my first dota hero was mortred , i was such a noob , we played a 5v5 dota on lan , i picked mortred coz her name sounded dangerous lol , i cant remember the details of the game but i think i had fun , didnt know the items , just played her like the first time .

    later ( after a few months ) i didnt have anyone to play with on multiplayer and i searched the internet for a w3 server , i found i installed the patch and played on my first nick [RO]Claudiu . i actualy installed the eurobattlnet patch on all the computers of the internet caffe

    later ( after a few months ) all the w3 lovers played on xpam , including clan old members ( they realy are old lol ) adn some dorky kids from the nearby colledge .

    after the lineage server crashed i played w3 more eventhough i was heartbroken ... i played lineage and fell into an obsession so ..... i turned to w3 .....

    i even made some screenshots of those golden times , here is a good one , bmp turned into a jpeg :

    picture taken 4 years ago . in the dark elfen village . (picture was resampled to fit into the forum)

    i was specialized in gladiators they were perfect tanks and perfect nukers at the same time , i had a custom buffer and healer with me and i made a 3 player party for pvp , usualy i could crush anything with just the skills : double sonic slash + tripple sonic slash + another 8 charges of focus sonic + sonic blast with vcious stance activated i could do a crittical per skill of 15k dmg , and normal players had max 12k hp , i mean the overhealthed dwarfs based on strength .

    warcraft was a little simpler and less graphic but i liked it . the fact that it was not a rpg ... rpg is too much , they provoke dependence ... i should know .

    1 year ago i got myself a computer for 100 euros , monitor and keyboard and motherboard and all .

    then i had a hard time adjusting to the lowest rezolution and options , ofc this ment no more lineage , no anything , just w3 and starcraft and diablo 2 .

    amazingly i managed to install wow on this ancient computer nad i even played on blizzard serer ( the 1 month trial ) . then i switched to pirate servers but i had a hard time coz of the pvp noobs with better computers .

    one time they killed me and my wisp was teleported in anotehr continent by the gm ... i spent some time swimming to get to the corpse ...... . i specialized in night elfes , i know all the night elfs quests and the one human quest with feeding a chicken ...

    now i play dota the most time , i try to get safelisted but ... no use with this pc i'd ruin the ss games , 4 frames per secound when i have more than 7 players on the screen casting spells so i am basicly useless , 600 rezolution and low grephics = small target , i try to target bane elemental with even normal attack and it is hard ( coz he drifts , doesnt walk on the ground ) .....

    sorry about the long story .. i didnt know it is so much to say .. i tryed to make it short , this is realy a short version , very short .
    Last edited by [RO]Claudiu; 19th May 2008 at 10:49 PM.
    Watch and learn
    -Bernard Lietaer
    To overstate the argument deliberately, perhaps we are hallucinating all the time and what we call perception is arrived at by simply determining what hallucination best conforms to the current sensory input.

    -V.S. Ramachandran
    “Alpha waves in the human brain are between 6 and 8 hertz. The wave frequency of the human cavity resonates between 6 and 8 hertz. All biological systems operate in the same frequency range. The human brain's alpha waves function in this range and the electrical resonance of the earth is between 6 and 8 hertz. Thus, our entire biological system – the brain and the earth itself – work on the same frequencies. If we can control that resonate system electronically, we can directly control the entire mental system of humankind.”

    -Nikola Tesla

  6. #66
    Лади дади phaNtom's Avatar
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    Nov 2007
    I have some time, so I will post my story too!

    Well, cca 5 years ago, there was one internet cafe where I was going to every day, and all my friends too Well, we always played ( simple warcraft, with buildings, units etc.), always there are massive games, whole day, always playing 4v4, 5v5.. Also, there were tours on lan that they organised in cafe, I played on some, some didnt ( there were 1v1 tours only )..
    So, how time passes, we started playing some TD maps, that were old maps, and we were playing *Spellcraft map*, which was(in that time) really exciting
    We played other maps too, like *Defence of the Castle* etc.
    Anyway, one day, we started to play internet games...
    We were often playing on original cd, not here..
    So, to the last summer, dota came in on our doors I dont know what version was at that time, but we played it every day 5v5 Xd
    Ofcourse, it was everyone's favourite map -.- And one day I've decided to play it too(at the start I thought it is a hard map), but in a month or two, I played better than them.. I learn fast Anyway, before 2 years, or 3 I dunno, I got Internet at home, and asap I installed war3 and other games and played it on internet.. ofcourse I play it even today and enjoy in it.
    Well, that was my story, it isnt too long at all
    I hope u enjoy it, coz I am planing to stay here untill someone brake the server in pieces XD

    PEACE MY DEAR -ers
    Save the dramma for your mama.

  7. #67
    cold hearted Rapper pRiMe's Avatar
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    Aug 2006
    Serbia ; Novi Sad
    Better if i edit this crap...i think that i would get a slap from admins if they saw how i expressed my xpam feeling xD it was a joke but it is better if i edit ...
    Last edited by pRiMe; 26th August 2008 at 01:10 AM.

    By the way them playboy rings
    my mother stole from you
    well Nate finally got em back sh-t
    it must have been at least 16 years ago
    well I put em in your cask ahhh
    moving past it, it still aint registered yet
    but you can bet you’re legacy they’ll never forget
    the motor city mo-town
    hip hop vet, hip hop shop, dreads
    it don’t stop there
    yeah, as difficult as it sounds
    RIP Big Proof

  8. #68
    Registered User _Kyuubi_'s Avatar
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    Aug 2008
    Bucharest!so STFU
    Ive started playing online games i think allmost 8 years ago.
    In that time s internet caffe just oppened near my school! childrens thoose days! a net caffe near school its disaster^^. ive started cutting classes and spending large amounts of money 4 playing CS,heroes and the all star famous DIABLO!(im hardley w8ing for diablo3 to come). Then i revelation comed, i asked me parents to buy me a super PC and connecting it to internet, that happened after 2 years. because my parents didnt alowed my playing pc games, ive playd by hiding the truth aff my departures in town .-------------------------------------------------------------------------
    after breaking mane keybords and disabling many mouses, i give up to cs, and starting playing w3( i love the campain mode RoC and TfT) random,td's,team hero survival,etc.
    And the comed wow on blizz, and running out off founds ive sold my acount,and started playing on private servers. and after that comes Lineage 2 my love, ima l2 player with 5 years experience
    here is a pic with my fav char: Human treasure hunter:X
    After 3 years i started playing dota the version when BLOODSEEKER whas named FLAMESEEKER. and thats the story
    Last edited by Cen; 2nd November 2011 at 07:38 PM.

  9. #69
    Banned I'm here for some weeks and I already got banned...I'm such a jerk!

    Join Date
    May 2008
    I want sex.
    I first entered here with nick ray. and 4k.Faythh XD after that I maked nick zuz and xfire banned me for acusing of ffa lvl up but thanx to rake and logistik case was viewed by them and unbaned me ! I posted all my ffa replays etc etc . .
    after that every tour game I was playing I was acused of map hack and I was making tons of screenshots to prove my inocent etc etc . . . most of the ppl think that im tard kid but I dont care about no1 ^ ^cuz they are internet rats who dont have a nice rl life and in w3 they are " THE BEsTS " but when they go outside all ppl laugh about them and teasing them ^^ that's my opinion

  10. #70
    Registered User
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    Feb 2008
    Wow!!! zuz the legend owner is back, he is so innocent....

  11. #71
    Safelist Member InFyDelko's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Interesting stories guys...

  12. #72
    Retired Super Moderator Perito's Avatar
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    Aug 2007
    Perito: (Join Date 12th August 2007)

    Im leaving the crew today after spending few amazing years in this place. I had an incredible experience in this place and enjoyed every single second of it. From answering questions, to planning for projects, to fighting with crew members, to getting flammed the hell out of me, to banning flammers, to building this place to become a better server. I would like to post the final words as a super moderator, just out of respect to my friends and time I spent here.

    Rake, Shakar: Thanks for the trust and respect you gave me. You allowed me to achieve and do everything I done. Thanks for your patience when I pm you 345835234 pms a day. I know many admins fought with you for replying to my Pms. I'm really glad I met you.

    LifeDrainer: First friend in this place, before I even got promoted to anything. Only person who talked to me in person, me > u always

    Extasy: I think you're the Serbian version of me. Very similar life styles, life experience, and point of views. You are great person, I hope we meet some day. Stay in touch.

    Anomandaris: Seriously, I would never forget you or what you did to me. I thank you for every single second u wasted teaching me. You are my ultimate digital hero (Pikachu). I hope I see your name instead of Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg someday. You are, with no comparison, the smartest, most valuable person I met online(yes tay, your brother is smart). Good luck in your life. Stay in touch.

    I would like to also thank everybody who I worked with or played with. From Taz., MiZiGe, Herr, Uber, Josh and Terror (Help Staff) to extasy, keny, drainer, devicim, tay and anom (SS staff). To everybody else (I would list all the staff here, all of them were good friends)

    Finally I want to say bye to ^Fear and all the great friends I found here. (specially clan tkc guys )

    I was probably the fastest person to get promoted in this place

    I came to this place by mistake, liked this place by coincidence, worked hard to improve it, got promoted and now I'm leaving knowing I did something great.

    Hidden Text click here to show

  13. #73
    Registered User [sdm]love's Avatar
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    May 2009
    My first LAN game expirience was in "internet cafe" near my place....i typed it in "" cause it had only 6 computers...and its not real internet cafe and my friends were playing Call of Duty every weekends...i remmember...we used to play in CoD 1 that times...on map mp_pavlov.....all with snipers and 6 ppl on pavlov was like a big place...and being the best sniper was imba.... we loved day there was no place to play cause 6 pc's were occupated the guys were playin' some game (warcraft) i didn't know that game then..they were playing dota...and 1 guy on the first PC was closest to me and he was playing with some spider(i guess broodmother) and i loved animals and i still love...and i tought that is cool to start that game i tought there are some others Tigers....lions.....but no what i find out was some bunch of heros no other animals but i still loved the game
    So after some time we moved to more Call of Duty...i remember my first hero was Crystal Maiden.... i was OWNING my friends...but after some time i was bored playing 3v3...always same i searched for online place to play...i was playing WoW that times...had 60 rogue on normal rate private server "Enchanted Kingdom" it was cool and i asked there for a online place to play DotA.......they said go to i came here at start i was playing pub games in macedonia room i tought that arcane ring on Dragon Knight is AWESOME so i went with my friends to the net cafe and i pwned them...with arcane :P hhhh and they tought omg IMBA always have mana its sooo imba and after a while they installed too....then in macedonia room i met Pinceta at that times Bloody_Pinceta...he asked me i see you good....want to come in clan YuMa ...he was shaman and Ale was chief....and he was saying "Our chief is very goood good" and the first 3 days i never met ale...but the third day...he came online and i was playing 1vs 1 vs him for a shaman and i was auto atacking...and i remember pinceta was observer and he said "You can try using last hit" and i said "I don't need last hit for 1vs1" i guess i didn't know what is that hhh but somehow i was vengefull spirit and i won vs Ale 1v1 and he gave me shaman and i admmit after that he won me 1v1 21423143214213423142134 times whats important in clan YuMa i met my best friends that are my friends now....[YuMa]Ale,Jolpaz,Pinceta(now on Garena) ...EMPEROR!!! Sasa the KING hahaha (u sux btw) and i was good friend with Phantom too..but he left YuMa and forgot US! maybe i forgot somone nvm...i also played 1vs1 with JoLpaz....he was the first guy from YuMa that was safelisted(he was noob but Ogi.!!!-.- hahaha) we played mirror enigma....and he was last hiting and me auto atack...but i pwned him in battle...i used euls scepter and all enigma stuff and he said "I am noob just last hit...i dont have combinations like you" and i won that game too hhh and once we were playin' inside clan game and i said to Ale "JoLpaz is Safelsited,make him shaman" and he said Lol that nub ? and he realized he is not nub so JoLpaz thank me for the SHAMAN! :P:P then Ale was also Safelisted....and after JoLpaz and Ale i was safelisted too and when i said to my real life friends GoX_,Vlade ...Alex the KID! and some players that are not playing here anymore they said "OMG PRO SAFELISTED" hhhhh in that times Clan wars were popular in dont know why no more CW's -.- so i went for some time in GGC but i dont like the communication there its myabe better place for playing but it sux for friends...D so i am here now agian playing SS and having some FUN! btw Emperor u sux ONCE AGAIN!!
    P.S i forgot to say that MuteD[A] best w3 player here NO MATTER WHO SAYS !! he is my friend too maybe he is not technically the best...but he is joker and he is fun and its more relaxing to play against him then somone else
    Uuups forgot my Pro bros Slardar and Uky .....and the nubs Shadow,Stefi and all ex BMS crew :P
    ++ Saiyan u sux Macedonia is not noob country U SUCK!!!

    I am here without you baby
    but you're still on my lonley mind
    I think about you baby
    and i dream about you all the time!
    I am here without you baby
    but your still with me in my dreams
    and tonight its only you and mee

  14. #74
    Banned I'm here for more than 1 year and I am banned! I'M SUCH A NO LIFE STUPID KID!

    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Novi Sad, Serbia
    my story is too long, so i have to write book...first edition will be in December...120$ on eBay...

  15. #75
    you know what I really don't like? a bunch of good for nothing loosers who put some pictures from the internet instead of their damn ugly faces when posting on the forum

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