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Thread: Share ur thoughts,feelings,moments on xpam!

  1. #1
    Inactive for a while... memo0o's Avatar
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    Share ur thoughts,feelings,moments on xpam!

    i would like every 1 of u to talk .. say every thing in yr heart , what u feel , what u hate (in w3 of course) , every thing about us .. other mods ..any thing u like n hate reasons to quit , come back , hating some body , be pissed off , general points of view , i guess after saying so u will feel much better.

    and .. that goes to all the inactive mods as well.

    dont get it wrongly, n dont spam here other users respect all.

    ( the main point of creating this thread , that i wanna know these things i ve just asked , if its ok to share. )

    a lil thing more .. that might take time from u to write it all .. dont be lazy pl0X =)

    ty for taking it seriesly guys

    plz make sure u read imaginary post. ty
    Last edited by memo0o; 30th January 2007 at 04:45 PM.

  2. #2
    Electronical Soul ...
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    Silent Hill ...
    An interesting thread, Memo. Let's talk ...

    It begins with, " lust ".

    I had begun as a " Hacks worker ", willing to " hunt down " cheaters. ( The thing I had hated the most, at that time. ) No matter how stupid this may sound, but that was " my lust " - " Justice ".

    However, there're other types. - You, alone, know ...

    In time, there was a, umm, progress. From a Hacks section moderator and w3 channel operator into a " responsible " ( Hmm, was I ? ), server administrator. " This is moooost fortunate ! " Someone would've said ... But, not me. Actually, the only thing I had set in motion to stay, was sadness.

    " He is a lunatic ! Nobody would give up that kind of power ! "

    Power, huh ? How pathetic ...

    " Ahh, that's it ! I gather those people WILL respect me as soon as I become SOMETHING. Yes, no doubt ! Can't wait to become an authority here ! "

    People thinking this way are nothing more than miserable weaklings.

    Back to my, " sadness ". Well, the good thing was it wasn't an " everlasting " one.

    Thoughts ... I've re-thinked about everything which occured, from the beginning till that moment. Even though there were " glorious moments ", my conclusion was ... : Blackness. Odd enough, huh ? Naaah ... Frankly, that's how I've felt, during " the period ". ( )

    To cut it, I got demoted two weeks ago ... Baaah, all that " suffering ", I mean, it's, gone ! I'm back to normal ! * Laughing. *

    However, believe it or not, it wasn't easy to get rid of " it " - you know what I mean. To be frank, I, literally, had to BEG. ( God, that was " low " from me. ) Ehh ...

    But ... Freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeedom ! ( )

    Okay, this ends here.

    To those ... - They know who. - " What is it that you really want ? "

    Peace, love and God bless you.
    Last edited by eXodus; 30th January 2007 at 02:10 AM.
    The ones that keep quiet are the ones that know the most !

  3. #3
    Palec sux Palec's Avatar
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    Right back at you
    Quote Originally Posted by eXodus View Post
    However, believe it or not, it wasn't easy to get rid of " it " - you know what I mean. To be frank, I, literally, had to BEG. ( God, that was " low " from me. ) Ehh ...

    Well, it was the same thing with me. I was so frustrated and I did bad things. (already told I am sorry)

    About things you've mentioned about. Power looks like something special for some people, but it's just an illusion. Dont waste your time for getting it, especially here. Cause along with power come many dutys and then you want to be fair with people you work with and spend more time here, more and more. You are mod of small forum section, then you want to prove you are good person to be there and u sacrifice your free time, after that you get new promotion, lets say for "operator", same story, more and more time, then "supermod", "hacks worker" ... people want to promote you again, but you are frightened, bored and you refuse that. After some time, being powerful means nothing to you... you see that you've damaged relations with people you care about and sacrificed too much time for the forum and things, that wont be necessary in your real life (mb besides people you met here, you learn something from them). Then you want to change something, want to live your life, but you are ... an "admin", "mod", "hacks worker"... you dont want to disappoint your friends with your "low-activity" here.. and you feel like you cant breathe. But there's a way, you can quit ! But NO! They dont want to let u go. You are frustrated, you start to flame your friends, only because you want to quit those functions... its pretty twisted. I wrote it fast so it may be little confusing. Thats what I feel.

    P.S. good thread, we can talk about tough things
    Dont try to be someone on forum...

    Or like Plavsha uses to say : Keep trying to be someone on forum, cause you have no chance in real life, suckers xD

  4. #4
    Well ... in the first place I'm not such an "old user" but it is:
    When I first came at this forum I came thinking of helping people as much as I can and yes when I joined I wanted to be admin, so I could be respected and to have the power that normal users didn't had, well to be important, but now I don't realy and honestly don't care much for my rank/function. In time Is tarted to make friends here, thing I don't do in my real life, actualy I can count on the fingers of 1 hand the frinds from real life. Anyway I tryed many times to quit, leave this but I couldn't. Why? Cuz here I can still help people, thing that makes me kinda happy knowing that I can do something. And as Palec said, untill few months, I've dedicated all my time to the forum and server (as some of you know that I was almost non-stop online) thing that realy didn't helped me in RL. Had a fight with my parents, moved away from home, came back lost some friends, etc. Now I just came here to relax, to forget about my problems from RL for a few hours when I stay here (server + forum) and to help people who need help as well.
    I usualy don't write things about me but maybe it will make me feel much better or it won't.
    Hmm the thing I hate the most at w3 are the players that can't speak normal with you or with someone that is "inferior" to them and start swearing, curseing, insultein or offending just so cuz they have fun doing so or to show that they are great or starting to say that to be mod/admin on forum is easy etc but they don't come to prove, instead of that they ask for promotion tt. This kind of people I hate. About the game I don't hate it. I love all type of games (since I am a gamer) except GTA and Quest type games.
    Anyway I hope this thread is going to be calm and peacefull instead of beeing spammed and people tos tart flameing again as they prefer doing then to have a decent conversation.
    That's almost all about me, more I won't say.

  5. #5
    Safelist Member devicem's Avatar
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    First came here to look for an account change , but heh that didn't work out the way I imagined it, who would care less for some random guy posting in forums for it anyway pff.

    Than there was this so called "Elf" guy, some tournaments stuff involved only god knows what happened to it , after that as much as it is hard to believe I offered some help every now and than to those needy, tech support here and there, not to mention some argues ahem opinion share along with other members Elf, Marshall etc. than the next thing you know you are moderator in DotA Allstars, than I was like : "huh?" Apparently I was polled to be one suggested by Elf himself in the private section for admins, bah I wonder at that time if someone actually asked me "if I want to become one", but that wasn't the issue, because there I was...

    As much as I didn't want to be moderator, obligations and perhaps reason didn't let me argue much about it. As some of you may know at that time DotA was my passion, so as soon as I entered #ss the real troubles began. I was mostly tired of playing with average players (enemies and allies alike) so I just took the idea to make it a better place, one that north had at that time, but I didn't realize how arrogant and stupid sometimes people are, some people was eager to help me ( the ones that felt exactly like me ) where others were eager to destroy it ( the ones that actually couldn't enter ) and whined all the time let's not forget that, but as much as hard as it got, the more people tried to apply so we were kinda satisfied, the true issue why we left the place was many of us professional gamers weren't fond of the delay that was inevitable on bnet, so we moved to GGC ( a platform which simulates lan games ) therefore resulting in 0 delay, what more can you do when such conditions were offered, people started to migrate there so did I, it was quite better I must admit but still missed the old place, what the hell now who cares. Just wanted to clarify so that you wouldn't post shit like "devicem left us to GGC" and stuff like that where your tong is always quicker than your mind.

    For the next part of the story tune in next Tuesday same time exclusively on

  6. #6
    Guys ahm,i talked with memo n i agree with him,we should stick to the mods/admins stories on the thread,n forget the will be good if it stays a pure thread with just each one's story,u understand dont u? I hope they agree too themselves.So i encourage every mod/supermod/admin to contribute his story on the subjects memo stated at his first post.
    This way we'll have in the end a thread where ppl can come read everythin that mods/admins wanted to i make it sticky n when most post through time,it can get closed.
    Im deletin the other comments so far,im sorry but it wont look good if chat comes in ok? Pls understand what i mean..lets keep it to the stories.
    EDIT: I renamed thread as well,if any admin dont like new title/has better idea feel free to change it ofc.
    Last edited by imaginary; 30th January 2007 at 04:27 PM.

  7. #7
    Hm .... the reason i came to this server was becouse i stopped playing CS in 1
    very good team and wanted to quit it. so due to inactivity i started to play w3.
    And after some time i started to remember all buildups and i always knew hom much gold/wood i will have if i do something so it was easy for me to menage gold/wood. so i started to watch mass replays and tried to use as many strategies as i saw. then i saw some imba clan OsT(old school gaming) so i wanted to do a test game in order to enter it. And Marshall got me to play vs Ancient-Priest aka Ice now and first game i lost playing und vs hum couse i tried quick expo and he got me there. second game i played orc(couse i was mainly playing orc then vs human couse as elf i always lost vs good human) and we played 1 of best games i ever played, i was winning but i did 1 mistake(couse of not having much experience) i upgraded bloodlust to shams and i lost . Nvm Cells told Marsh that i played good so i was in clan.

    And that was rly different time then now on xpam. back then Clans rly mattered couse of few very strong clans: HG,PbT,BoS... and it was honor to be in it. while i was playing i was so nervous that i cant explain ... I dont think that people could feel that way now and that xpam time is lost forever.

    Then after some time i practiced more and more and got entirely dedicated to Elves. and i started playing in tours and got one 3rd place and one 4th(both time lost to winners of tour)

    by that time i tried to help as much as i could on forum and organising tours and some other stuff regarding hacks part.

    so after some time they asked me if i would want to help with hacks part and i said yes .

    ``Happy,Moon,Dav,Nooby,Obey,Kiza,Iv3k,Serial,Weedm an,Herceg,Aca, AncientPriest,Palec,J.Ahmedovski,Kisiu_PL,Jostavo, Medo,Nery..... omg i know i forgot someone but if i did plz pm me with some rude language and i will edit here

  8. #8
    Egyptian.BoY jostavo's Avatar
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    guyz that mean only mod/admins can write here only ?

    i wana write my story

  9. #9
    Inactive for a while... memo0o's Avatar
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    hmm .. since our Mods r ignoring us :S lets make it public ? who wants to tell us his story.
    Last edited by memo0o; 11th February 2007 at 11:13 PM.

  10. #10
    Registered User DA_SASQUA4's Avatar
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    Sava Nikolov Kolev's story (thats me )
    it all started in ...the end of 2005 i think as a fr told me about this server for w3. i didnt start posting and visiting the forum from the begining but made an acc in february (as u can c from my profile). ive been playing for months but now im inactive from .. dunno actually 3-4 months. i just lost interest in the game and now i play WoW. i think im loosing interest in this game cuz the server is free so there are many bugs, player limit for less lag and freezes.

    i rly like this place and dunno if im ever gonna leave the forum.
    reading my first posts i realise how much i've changed myself since feb 2006 - changed for good mby. i like the ppl here, i have a few friends and mby i will visit them when i get 18 and a driving license.
    a thing i regret doing - offending {BIH}Sorlag long time ago. rly stupid from me :@
    something i wanna ask - WHERE IS FIREZZZZ??? did he leave, do u have any idea whats up with him?

    my post sound nearly the same as the "what do u think about the others" thread but nvm. a nice theme.

    to all of you - be yourselves, be happy, be sexy and clever - this is what the others around u like

  11. #11
    Safelist Member
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    Well... I started playing here 3-4 years ago. First time when I played this STUPID game was with my friend TOKA.

    In that time i used to play age of empires , and I was pretty good in that. I told him to find me some good " strategic games " and he did .

    What happend ? We started to play ( that was roc w3 , not tft one ). He choised some race - UNDEAD ...

    I was pretty surpriced and I didn't know any of races so I went random. I get orc , he was undead.

    I started buliding myself same as age of empires , made a ton of peons , and bulit a lot of towers.

    I made a lot of gold mines ( I also make hero FS , and choised the second magic ).

    Buliding towers , just like that I saw that I am able to see Toka's base. I bulit few more towers ( I allready had about 500 towers at the back :S).

    So when Toka saw towers at his base , he was pretty surpriced , he wasn't surpriced from the towers , he was surpriced from them number.

    He had dl lvl 10 , dk lvl 9 and lich lvl 7 ... He tried to kill ALL my towers , lost all of his army/heroes and left the game .

    After that he show me that there is a server , on who I can play that game. I instaled it at home and played , played , played.

    I usually played solo games , except few at games on north with Toka. ( He shew me north after a while ).

    And when I saw another server , I tought that I can play there too to meet some new " gosus " who I can beat.

    So first I started to play on a shared account with Toka. Than I opened a new account and I made him 32lvl ...

    I can't remember to the stats. When I see that I am " expirienced enough " I came back to XPAM , and I started playing again here.

    ( I went to north cuz some guys flamed me , that I am noob or smthing like that ...

    I didn't even know what do that " NOOB " means , but anyway when I saw the word " F**K " I figurated that its smthing offendive).

    When I came here , I started playing on few accounts ( that was before that " BIG " restart).

    Bestdotaplayer , Zuljaisjerk , Gosu-human , Tito_is_back , Samo_jugosloven ....

    I can't even remember them names anymore, cuz I didn't use them long time ago.

    At the same time I also played on shared accounts with Toka - immortal_noob , naga-sea-witch , Iwantmorebugs ...

    When I understand that there gonna be a " HUGE " restart , and all account's stats gonna be deleted , I sold all my accounts.

    Most of them I sold to Gorgi. All my accounts for 500e. After the restart , I started playing dota at most...

    I was pretty good , won a lot of games 1 vs 5 , 2 vs 5 .... Durring the summer , I had a lot of free time , so I started playing PG on north again.

    I made a lot of accounts + 40 lvl , with deferend stats. Than I god borred just of playing , and I came to XPAM for a little chat with my friends.

    Entered in " PBT " clan , and played on few accounts.

    If I remember well - arrestedbycup , mitkotosev , tito_is_back , about 200 games on bigbadspirit ...

    Than I played once with nery, I beated him and he reported me for lag abuse

    ( I was playing on my accounts mitkotosev , probably someone still remember that lvlupped account ), I got noted for that report.

    After a while I played with some Bulgarian guy, the game was normal , my ping was constantly 90-100 , but I got reported with 3 SS.

    I had about 25 ss with my good ping , I posted tham but miss.Basiora still banned me .

    I have to say tnx for that , cuz if he didn't do that , I would probably never stop laddering as I did now. ( mitkotosev's stats were 200:7 or smthing ).

    When I got banned , I still played some cg games with friends , dotas etc.

    And I was little ANGRY to those who were posting into the " hacks " without the all proofs , so I kept saying " you need replay " , " you need victory screen " , ...

    etc. After a while( I was doing that for fun , as you all should do it ) , I get private message from blue_system , would I like to be moderator in " hacks " ,

    I answered that I will be honoured , so here am I .

    Bljaak , I got borred of writting so long story

    PS.Doovee , you are alowed to delete my post into the previous page

    Edit: I've found myself a new color , also edited with " space " between the 2 lines , cuz someone who should wear glasses can't read it.
    Last edited by Tito; 11th February 2007 at 09:13 PM.

  12. #12
    Just Another Admin
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    My story here begins something like 4-5 years ago
    A friend begged me to install this game so we will be able to play it by the net, on this server.
    At the start I didn't really wanted but in the end I've installed it.
    The 1st game which we played was the two of us against the computer.
    I left the race field as "random" and the Night-Elf race was the one I've got,
    Basically this is the reason that I am playing Night-Elf.
    I've started to get really addicted to this game, mean while my friend got bored of this, and I was left to play alone.

    At some point I've met a group of players from Holland, they called themselves the "The Battle Masters". (clan TBM)
    I've Joined the clan in the name [TBM]_Shakar
    That was my really first serious account; some still recognize me by this nick.
    That clan was a lot for me, it wasn't about laddering or something like that.
    A clan of friends, until...
    A girl joined the clan brought by one of the TBM members.
    A really cute one, she played footman a lot back then.
    Since I was sitting 10+ hours in front of the computer back then It turn out that I was playing with her a lot more then the other members.
    A thing that brought up some jealousy and anger
    You can guess more or less what happened then.
    Any way, we had a problem, and when problems appear you go and ask for help from someone with power.
    So that what she did.
    At that time DragonSlayer just came back from 1 year break.
    She introduce us, I remember having a lot of questions back then.
    At that point I started to hangout with the admins.
    Any way, I decided to create a clan of my own, a clan which belongs to me and her. she picked the name, and ToT (Trick or Treat) was created.
    Since I was a masser I reclaimed the keeper icon which helped me to gain some members, including eXodus and Nery (funny ha?)
    Later on, I've Joined the forum to report some discr, called BladeMasterXXL
    Since I didn't know the rules I've posted the replay and a screen shot from the replay itself showing the disc time.
    Any way...
    I started to post hackers and cheaters, trying to make this server better
    I also showed eXodus this forum ... so he can post hackers as well.
    Back then, we did everything together, he was (and still) like a brother to me.
    Days have passed, eXodus Joined the crew (he helped a lot in the hacks forum), and I was damn happy for him.
    Few months passed and DragonSlayer came to me and said that they (admins) are doing a public election for a new w3 op, and I am their selection.
    From that day everything changed.
    I never really wanted to be an op, until that day.
    After I won the election I wanted to do something for the server
    to prove that I deserve my "op" rank.
    I asked DS, what should I do as op?
    he said, just be yourself ...
    after entering the private forum, I saw the "hackers list"
    a list with account names, thats all...
    back then we had a problem of telling members why they got banned, and from what reson.
    so I started to work, creating the banlist, it had a lot of versions and changes, even today I add new stuff.
    after eXodus left the hacks forums, I've taken control on that part of the forum.
    later on, I was dealing with some other stuff like the "Ladders"
    and something new that should come really soon.

    this is all, more or less ...


  13. #13
    Inactive for a while... memo0o's Avatar
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    well .. nice story and nice english tito .. i respected u in 2 accounts .. i knew u from along time , but u didnt since iwantmorebugs . but i didnt know its shared account.

    i have alot of things to be said , but give me more time i will edit this post later , cuz am too buzy these days , thnx imaginary for reviving this thread ..
    and i hoped to read some intersting stuff about marshall n shakar dunno why they didnt even comment here =\
    EDIT : sry shakar we posted at the same time but i guess that wasnt all >.>

    well about firezzzz .. from some months he decited to quit forum ( as he quited the server long time ago) i remember some missunderstanding here leaded into some flamming .. ended to make him quit, changed marshall to " nobody theme"
    but u know ..bad things can make u feel better.
    Last edited by memo0o; 11th February 2007 at 11:12 PM.

  14. #14
    Safelist Member
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    Memo... my eng sux.

    Shakar , can I know the name and the nick of the girl ?

  15. #15
    Honored Member Nery's Avatar
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    I remember she once invited me a convertation with some friends, and there was DS and she said smth "ds this is nery, nery this is ds" but we already knew each other, so it was like LOLLOLOL
    Last edited by Nery; 11th February 2007 at 11:50 PM.

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