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Thread: Wi-Fi radiation can be deadly.

  1. #1
    Strategist [RO]Claudiu's Avatar
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    Wi-Fi radiation can be deadly.

    Disclaimer: i'm not making propaganda, i'm not advertising anything, this post is purely in the interest of saving the human species from self-annihilation. Whatever you read here, don't take my word for it. Start doing your own research and see if it's true or not.

    I recently won a tablet in a Facebook contest and so i turned on my router's WiFi radio. After only 1 week i started to feel dizzy in the morning when i was waking up, i was not rested even after sleeping 12 hours, general fatigue which is strange given my diet of 5 grapefruits+2 lemons+vegetables rich in chlorophyll, no refined sugars, etc.

    I did some research on the health dangers of WiFi emitters, i'm posting this because the more people know about it the better chances we have to correct this technology.

    What is EMF?

    What Does EMF Stand For?

    EMF stands for Electromagnetic fields, which are often called EMFs, and invisible electrical and magnetic forces. EMFs are a type of radiation, that take the form of waves.
    Types of Electromagnetic Energy

    Natural EMFs - The earth produces an electromagnetic field (EMF), and so does the human body. Also known as or extremely low frequency ELF’s. In fact, scientific research has demonstrated that every cell in your body may have its own EMF, helping to regulate important functions and keep you healthy.
    Natural EMFs or ELF’s are low in intensity; for example, a healthy human body resonates with the earth's magnetic field at around 10 hertz.
    Artificial EMFs - Human technologies - from hairdryers and cell phones to high voltage wires - create powerful EMFs. These strong EMFs have been shown to disturb the human body’s natural energetic field.
    Fact: We’re exposed to 100 million times greater artificial EMF radiation than our grandparents were, and that exposure grows each year.
    There are two parts to an electromagnetic field (EMF): an electric field and a magnetic field.
    The electric field:
    • Created by electric charges, or voltage (the force of the electricity)
    • Always there when an appliance is plugged in (even if the appliance is turned off)
    • Can be shielded or blocked by metal housing and other barriers.
    • Measured in units of hertz

    The magnetic field
    • Created by moving electric charges (electric current)
    • Only there when the appliance is operating (when current is flowing)
    • Hard to shield: can penetrate steel, concrete and human bodies (human bodies have the same permeability as air when it comes to magnetic fields, which is why x-rays work so well).
    • The more powerful the current is, the more powerful the magnetic field it creates
    • Measured in units of gauss (G) or milliGauss (mG), which is one-thousandth of a gauss.

    Both fields are invisible and perfectly silent: if you live in an area with electric power and cell phone service, some level of artificial EMF is surrounding you.
    The Electromagnetic Spectrum

    The electromagnetic (EM) spectrum is the scientific name for types of photon radiation. Radiation is energy that travels and radiates out as it moves. Electromagnetic radiation consists of photons (light particles) which travel in a wave-like pattern at the speed of light.
    The amount of energy found in these photons forms the various types of electromagnetic radiation in the spectrum expressed in terms of energy, wavelength or frequency.
    Frequency is measured in cycles per second (which is called a Hertz), wavelength is measured in meters and energy is measured in electron volts. The strength of an EMF depends on its wavelength and frequency. A greater number of waves with shorter wavelengths create more energy as you move up the spectrum.

    Electromagnetic Spectrum In My Home

    What Is The Range Of Wavelength Of Electromagnetic Waves?

    Extremely Low Frequency (ELF)

    • On the low end of the electromagnetic spectrum
    • Longer wavelengths
    • Come from the 50 - 60 hertz power lines that feed household appliances
    • Dangerous to health, especially when near the body for long periods of time.

    Radio Frequency Radiation (RF)

    • On the high end of the electromagnetic spectrum
    • Come from cell phones, cordless phones, mobile antennas, broadcast towers, electrical security systems, sonar and more
    • The higher the frequency or wavelength, the more danger to health

    Microwave Radiation

    • Microwaves, with their very short wavelengths are an example of very high radio frequency radiation (RF)
    • Microwave radiation has especially been shown to be dangerous to living organisms
    • Many cell phone towers operate in the microwave range

    What Ways Are Electromagnetic Waves Dangerous?

    Science shows that many processes of the human body are regulated with bioelectrical signals. Strong, artificial EMFs can enter your body interfere with all that, (magnetic fields can even pass into your body and induce current!) harming everything from your sleep cycles and stress levels to your immunities and DNA. (See health risks)
    Concern about EMFs has been around a long time. Farmers with sick and dying cattle herds living under high power transmission lines were among the first to sound the alarms.
    Since then, decades of research and epidemiological studies conducted all over the world have shown the dangers of the EMFs we live with every day. . (See EMF studies)

    Health Effects from EMFs

    Electromagnetic Radiation Effects On People From Everyday Electronics

    The technologies we use today, from our everyday appliances, cell phones, even our cars, emit electromagnetic radiation & EM radiation that can penetrate and affect us, seriously compromising our health and disturbing our environments.

    • For years, scientists have conducted research linking EM radiation to serious diseases like cancer, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and others. (See studies.)
    • After an extensive review of 2,000+ such studies, the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences concluded EMFs “should be regarded as possible carcinogens.”
    • An international group of leading researchers recently came out stating, “the existing standards for public safety are completely inadequate to protect health.” (more on the Bioinitiative report below).
    • Forward-thinking nations around the world are starting to set stricter EMF safety limits.
    • Even the EPA now cautions you to “limit your exposure.”

    Why Is EM Radation Exposure So Dangerous?

    You may not realize it, but your own body uses electromagnetic fields to function properly. In fact, research has demonstrated that every cell in your body may have its own EMF.
    In his book “The Body Electric,” researcher and author Robert Becker demonstrates that our cells actually communicate with each other via bioelectrical signals and electromagnetic fields. These natural EMFs help regulate important biochemical processes of all kinds. Maintaining balance in those cellular electromagnetic fields is crucial to your physical health.

    What Are The Dangers Of EM Radiation To Humans?

    Unfortunately, your body can also be influenced by the powerful artificial EM Radiation around you. That’s where the trouble starts.
    How Does Harmful Electromagnetic Radiation Get Into Your Body?

    When it comes to magnetic radiation (which is part of any EMF—see EMF explained for more on that), the body is as easily penetrated as air. This means if you are near a powerful EMF, electromagnetic radiation isn’t just around you, it’s inside you.
    According to Dr. Becker, your body’s electrical signals are well within the range of those that can be stimulated by ambient radio waves, microwaves and other forms of electromagnetic radiation. That harmful, unnatural type of stimulation can seriously impact your body.
    EM Radiation Can Cause Health Chaos…

    Artificial EMFs change the frequency of your body's electromagnetic fields through a process called entrainment (or sympathetic resonance). Entrainment is the tendency of an object to vibrate at the same frequency as something outside of it. In other words, powerful artificial EMFs overwhelm your body’s own electrical fields, changing their frequency and distorting the balance of the body's electromagnetic field and its communication systems. This causes physical, mental and emotional chaos.
    The danger doesn’t always pass once you get away from the strong electromagnetic field. That’s because biological systems have been proven to store electromagnetic radiation within the cells in the form of electromagnetic oscillations. These oscillations can stubbornly remain inside you, wreaking havoc with your body’s most important processes.
    Compounding this problem, metallic objects all around us act as antennae. These include electrical circuits, telephone wiring, water and gas pipes, even your keys and jewelry, which collect and re-radiate these disorienting energy waves.
    The highest frequency energy waves (X-rays, gamma rays and others) can break chemical and molecular bonds, and can literally rip atoms apart, disrupting the basic biochemical structures of life.
    The healthy human body resonates at around 10 hertz. Frequencies above that create biological stress, tissue damage and serious health problems.
    Have There Been Any Electromagnetic Radiation Studies?

    Yes. Thousands of studies worldwide have shown that overexposure to EMFs can lead to weakened immunities, lowered resistance to bacterial and viral infections and devastating illnesses like cancer.
    The BioInitiative Working Group sounds the alarm

    An International working group of leading scientists, researchers and public health policy professionals is bringing scientific concerns about the radiation to light.
    Their 2007 report, the BioInitiative Report, concludes that the existing standards for public safety are completely inadequate to protect your health. The report includes studies showing evidence that electromagnetic fields:
    • Affects gene and protein expression (Transcriptomic and Proteomic Research)
    • Have Has genotoxic effects – RFR and ELF DNA damage
    • Induces stress response (Stress Proteins)
    • Affects immune function
    • Affects Neurology and behavior
    • Causes childhood cancers (Leukemia)
    • Impacts melatonin production; Alzheimer’s Disease; Breast Cancer
    • Promotes breast cancer (Melatonin links in laboratory and cell studies)

    Other well-known studies link EMFs to:
    • Enzyme changes that affect DNA and cell growth; possible result is cancer and birth defects.
    • Changed metabolism and increased cell growth.
    • Fetal abnormalities, probably caused by enzyme changes.
    • Gene expression changes, which creates stress on your body and even result in cancer.
    • Increased production of stress proteins within cells, linked to Alzheimer’s disease.
    • Chronic stress, which can lead to heart conditions.
    • Neuro-hormone changes, which can result in memory loss and impaired brain function.
    • Electro-smog disturbs the growth of cells and the information flow between cells.

    The Higher The EMF Frequency, The More Serious The Health Effect.

    The fields that appear to be of most concern are those that are very strong, near the body, or of high frequency.

    Electromagnetic Radiation In Your Home
    The Special Dangers Of Cell Phone Electromagnetic Radiation

    Because cellphones have such powerful EMFs (usually in the microwave range!) and are held to the head or kept close to the body, they are especially dangerous. (See cellphone studies for links to specific research.)

    • Cellphones emit two kinds of EMFs - microwave electromagnetic radiation from the antenna, and more EMFs from the phone body – both are harmful.
    • 20-80% of the radiation from a phone’s antenna penetrates up to 2 inches into the adult brain.
    • Cell phones have thermal effects (they heat biological tissue) as well as non-thermal effects (affecting natural EMF frequencies)
    • Studies have shown that people who sleep with a cellphone by the bed have poor REM sleep, leading to impaired learning and memory. Long-term effects remain to be seen.
    • When the cellphone signal is held next to the head, brainwaves are altered a full 70% of the time.
    • Many insurance companies are so alarmed by the evidence that they now exclude health issues related to cell phone radiation from coverage.
    • Most brain surgeons limit their cellphone use, and counsel patients never to hold them to their ears.

    Yes, electromagnetic radiation can harm human health, and the dangers are all around us. Read what Doctors have to say:
    “If Mobile Phones Were a Type of Food, They Simply Would Not be Licensed,"
    ~Dr. Gerald Hyland, The Lancet
    “The evidence for risks from prolonged cell phone and cordless phone use is quite strong. For people who have used them for 10 years or longer, mainly on one side of the head, the risk of malignant brain tumor is doubled for adults and is even higher for persons with first use before age 20.”
    ~Brain tumor specialist Dr. Lennart Hardell, MD, PhD, Orebro University Hospital in Sweden
    “There is a strong evidence that EMFs and radio/microwave frequencies are associated with accelerated aging (enhanced cell death and cancer) and moods, depression, suicide, anger, rage and violence, primarily through alteration of cellular calcium ions and the melatonin/serotonin balance.”
    ~Dr. Neil Cherry of Lincoln University, New Zealand

    I won't link the source of this information because it may spawn discussions as to how much credibility it has, like i said:

    Don't believe anything you read here, do your own research.
    Watch and learn
    -Bernard Lietaer
    To overstate the argument deliberately, perhaps we are hallucinating all the time and what we call perception is arrived at by simply determining what hallucination best conforms to the current sensory input.

    -V.S. Ramachandran
    “Alpha waves in the human brain are between 6 and 8 hertz. The wave frequency of the human cavity resonates between 6 and 8 hertz. All biological systems operate in the same frequency range. The human brain's alpha waves function in this range and the electrical resonance of the earth is between 6 and 8 hertz. Thus, our entire biological system – the brain and the earth itself – work on the same frequencies. If we can control that resonate system electronically, we can directly control the entire mental system of humankind.”

    -Nikola Tesla

  2. #2
    Masters of Hardcore efko.wbs's Avatar
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    May 2007
    electromagnetic fields are around electricity cables, arrive from sun/space.
    To be save throw away your phone, pc, laptop,.... go to cave. Also in that cave make on the walls layer of lead.
    Problem is that in a cave you will be in higher radon radiation. Oh dude, everything is fucked, we all gonna die. facebook page:

  3. #3
    Strategist [RO]Claudiu's Avatar
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    Dec 2006
    Where i live
    Quote Originally Posted by efko.wbs
    electromagnetic fields are around everywherecity cables, arrive from sun/space.
    To be save throw away your phone, pc, laptop,.... go to cave. Also in that cave make on the walls layer of lead.
    Problem is that in a cave you will be in higher radon radiation. Oh dude, everything is fucked, we all gonna die.
    There is good tech and Bad tech, due to the way of the economic system the corporations will try to sell you anything no matter at what cost to your health. Its your job to be informed and to keep them in line with the help of the ministry of health and expose these crimes against humanity.

    Let me tell you a little bit of bio-physics, EMF's are eberywhere, every cell of your body generates its own EMF, so do plants and even objects and usually they interrsct in harmony but the ones we talk about do not interact harmoniously with organic life forms.

    Show some back bone and contact your ministry of health and news paper reporters, show them studies from independent doctors and scientists so they can regulate the corporations. I want non-harmful wi-fi
    Last edited by [RO]Claudiu; 19th December 2013 at 12:46 PM.
    Watch and learn
    -Bernard Lietaer
    To overstate the argument deliberately, perhaps we are hallucinating all the time and what we call perception is arrived at by simply determining what hallucination best conforms to the current sensory input.

    -V.S. Ramachandran
    “Alpha waves in the human brain are between 6 and 8 hertz. The wave frequency of the human cavity resonates between 6 and 8 hertz. All biological systems operate in the same frequency range. The human brain's alpha waves function in this range and the electrical resonance of the earth is between 6 and 8 hertz. Thus, our entire biological system – the brain and the earth itself – work on the same frequencies. If we can control that resonate system electronically, we can directly control the entire mental system of humankind.”

    -Nikola Tesla

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