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Thread: Cerere ban si stergere joc,pt NESIMTIRE.

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Cerere ban si stergere joc,pt NESIMTIRE.

    ~ Numele jucatorului . cata_3 ,aeroplan
    ~ Motivul pentru care este acuzat . Pun pauza pt a se finaliza votekickul, NOI dam toti 4 (fara victima) !yes , iar ei nici nu dau toti (aeroplan nu da !yes) si scot si pauza (cata_3)
    ~ Minutul in care a facut ceva suspect si ce anume a facut suspect .
    ~ Dovezi : [URL=""]Replay[/URL]
    ~ Informatii suplimentare: aeroplan nu da votekick
    55m27s yoMamma90: [All] A votekick against player [zeudezeu] has been started by player [ifound.peace]. 8 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
    55m33s yoMamma90: [All] Player [inst3in] voted to kick player [zeudezeu]. 5 more votes are needed to pass.
    55m57s yoMamma90: [All] Player [S4micU] voted to kick player [zeudezeu]. 3 more votes are needed to pass.
    55m30s yoMamma90: [All] Player [tr1ck4ever] voted to kick player [zeudezeu]. 7 more votes are needed to pass.

    La primu votekick nu nimerea akasha butoanele ,le-a nimerit la al 2-lea. Furion nu a dat !yes in cel de al 2-lea votekick , iar aeroplan nu a dat deloc, cata_3 a scos pauza de mai multe ori

    In concluzie :cat ne luptam sa ii dam kick cu ei, s-a pierdut jocul

    cer stergerea jocului si pedepsirea lor conform regulamentului.
    bnet nickname = Moromete^
    بابا نويل موجود

  2. #2
    Registered User rhaZ's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    deja sunt mult prea dese abaterile de genu asta, ar trebui inasprita pedeapsa pentru neconformarea la !votekick atata timp cat e alegerea celuilalt team in totalitate, asa ca...

    !supp ban

  3. #3
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    s4micu nu a dat yes de la voi , deci nu ati fost toti de acord sa-l dati afara de la scourge, deci nu erau nici ei obligati.
    La a 2-a incercare cata_3 a dat yes, DOAR aeroplan merita ban.
    Topic closed

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