oi. its time for you to realize that BOTH accounts are smurfs, theirs a THIRD delta using a proxy to spoof ip, you need to extract a proxy list such as identifying proxy from your-freedom.net or kickass.to(donkey proxy) more over you should simply verify single ip addresses and force no same ip addresseses. real networks dont share same ip addresses. the nat table makes it like this

router becomes netbios ip lax.svn.burrito.isp.router.1212 , up to 8 pairs as if 455.455.455.4455.4455.666.777.000
the 2 usersof the same router DO NOT have the same ip address
user 2 becomes lax.svn.burrito.isp.state.####
455.455.455.4455.4455.666.489.5544 <note the last 2 brackets are COMPLETELY different
user 3 becomes
455.455.455.4455.4455.666.489.5506 <note the gps portion is stil lthe same , last portion is DIFFERENT