Rofl, who buys a 5200 gold item just to farm (that's 104 creeps). Nobody, that's right. There isn't a single hero that can't tank and gets radi. Show me one, please (there's 2 examples only - lancer because of lance and illusions, and BS because of blood thirst and hp return from creeps).

And bristleback is useless with pt, vang and hood? Rofl. With only 1 level of ulti he got +50 damage in a teamfight, not to mention spray that goes like this - 80 + 110 + 140 + 170 + 200. So 700 physical AOE damage in 12 seconds, slow and imba autoattacks on an unkillable hero early don't win you a teamfight? Not to mention the spray from his back when he gets focused.