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The receive of Eurobattle Client

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by , 11th January 2012 at 06:04 PM (7097 Views)
Man, I was scared that there would be a mass load of problems. But glad to see there have been only two reports.
I'll try to make things a little more clear in the next version... Pretty sure what and how, so that should only take a few minutes! Still depends on the test report of Cen how quick it will be done!
So, I hope we will have a small update this night! (Brazilian people happy, they can test it first! )

Other than that, I want to thank you all for the warm welcome. I know that it has taken quite some time. But, I learned things that will and came back it the Eurobattle Client!

Also, I'm thinking of adding custom languages... Not sure if nor when

So, what do you think? Should I add custom languages? (Turkish/Brazilian (Portuguese (< I paid attention at school!))/Dutch)

O que devo fazer? Adicionar outros idiomas?
Ne yapmalıyım? Başka dil ekleyin?
Шта да радим? Додај друге језике?
Ce să fac? Adaugă alte limbi?
I love Google XD
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Eurobattle Client


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