View Full Version : Ban Request Sublime

22nd November 2009, 05:58 PM
Last time i did this exact thing when killer was harrasing me all game long i got a really nice long ban. Here goes sublime disconnecting me from game cuz i used sleep on him for 1 second (creep took it away from him) on an already finished game thus denying my stats and violating the basic rules. I'm not asking for him to be punished as harshly as I was, but a nice ban should teach him he isn't alllowed to do this, I did learn my lesson back then when I did the same thing and got banned and removed from safelist.

22nd November 2009, 06:04 PM
Dagon on bane ? sleeping me 12312 times w/o reason 12h ban learn some manners kid.

22nd November 2009, 06:17 PM
Ok since you can't put up some evidence for your bans I will do it for you. That game was a joke , sure we lagged Artan dropped and from min 25 it was a finished game so joking around with sleeping team mates isn't so harmful , and dagon on bane isn't ban as you will see in the replay . We were all taking the game as a joke laughing at sleeps doing silly mistakes since no one cared bout what happened since the result was the same. But that you had to go all drama and drop-kick me.

Furthermore since you seem you see the power growing in your veins and you think you have the right to threaten me with bans because i posted a ban request for you? Since when if i post a ban request for a voucher it automaticaly means i will get threatened and ultimately banned from channel with no solid reason at all?
Here is some proof to that.

PS: Here's replay for full understanding of what happened.

22nd November 2009, 10:45 PM
Closed for now, we'll discuss it "indoors".