View Full Version : LightPaladin bad mannered

12th October 2009, 01:49 PM

i forgot to save replay ... but this will be enought

there were no leavers , 5v5 , i was owning everyone(see my score) , and the host ended the game

hes not the only one who does this , since ghost appeared everyone can do this :| sadly

12th October 2009, 02:04 PM
1st of all, just upload the image here as an attachment, not some obscure non-english sites :)

next, when I click on download, I get

Link invalid

De ce vezi aceasta pagina?

• uploader-ul a sters acest fisier
• fisierul este privat
• fisierul a fost sters de catre administratori pentru incalcarea termenilor si a conditiilor de utilizare
• ai primit un link invalid

And, cancelling/unhosting/quitting a custom game is not considered bad manners in the meaning of insulting and/or flaming. A host still has the right to decide when and with who he wants to play with - even though I understand it is usually childish and rude to cancel a game just because he is loosing.

Still, ending a game is not bad manners and not enough for a ban.


PS: If your Screenshot should prove some badmanners, you can always PM me with it.