View Full Version : Moderation Power Abuse in Brazil

8th October 2009, 04:06 AM
About my english, im sorry for mistakes, I am using a translator because i dont have a good english

Well players I'm here to make a complaint for you to see how things are going in Channel Brazil, and as you have a idea contrary to the moderators you may be victim of seriously bad manners.

It started with a voting session about backdoor that TP_Moonstar initiated in chanel brasil

The votes were about aproving or not the backdoor in dota games in channel brazil, beucase the brazilian players mostly hates that.

As the Brazilian players already hate this practice, I made comments defending my thesis on the forum, and was heavily criticized and received many offenses by the moderators.

now i got ban in the forum because i made too much "confusion" or something like that

adress of forum

i will post some Screenshots of the power abuses and try translate that.

This SS is about Rules of Moderators have to follow.

The moderators have the obligation to be polite and friendly to users, whether they are acquaintances or strangers, when a user offend a moderator, moderator cant reply the offense.

Note: Im dont make a ofense for any moderator. and this moderator make me a lot of ofenses.
Moderator Alpha Say:

Carai desisto com esse cara, mto burro, ele fica repitindo as mesmas coisas emtodos os posts, axando que sabe + que os otros sendo que ainda xama backdoor de "cheep"
coisa pior que 1 noob eh 1 noob ignorante que se axa, isso eh oque voce eh.

i gave up this guy, hes a dumbass, keep repeating the same stuff in all posts, thinking he knows more than the others and hes still calls backdoor of "cheep"
worse than 1 noob is a 1 noob ignorant, this is like what you are.


More one of Alpha.
3° N vem tenta da moral aki sobre regras e campeonatos por que tu nao sabe de ***** nemuma.
3° Dont try give your opinion here about rules and championships that you do not know ****
about that.
PS2, nao gosto do canal e suas regras some daki e vai pro garena, vai si da bem com os noob, kitters, flammers e hackers que tem la.
PS2, dont like the channel and its rules to disappear from here and go to garena, will play with the noobs, Kitters, and hackers flammers of garena.

Well i got some pics of this and will post more in prox post.

8th October 2009, 04:17 AM
Admin of channel Brasil
Capone says:

É claro que ambos devem ser aceitos.

O proprio mapa DotA tem um mecanismo de anti-backdoor. O que ainda não inventou é anti-noob do tipo que mostra o aviso a cada 2 minutos: "compre TP, você não tem travel seu burro".

of course that both should be accepted. (about Backdoor and cheep)
The own map DotA has a mechanism of anti-backdoor. What has not invented the anti-noob type that shows the warning every 2 minutes: "buy TP, you dont got travel Sucker".


in reaction to the capone admin ofense, another player whom have a opinion against backdoor/cheep, posted one coment with all respect and got banned without a good reason


Also, capone is know for giving bans without reason, some days ago he banned a player and when he asked why, he said:"prankster"


8th October 2009, 05:35 AM
First ) Learn how to post.

Secondly ) Stop cutting cases on half and post only the part where suits you.

And finaly ) Moved to banned users section.

8th October 2009, 06:08 AM
1- the adress is posted to anyone who wants to see it
2- i didnt post half of the things they have done
3- Its easy for you ban one simple player, Watch this link http://bnetbrasil.createforum.com/sugestoes-e-reclamacoes-f20/novo-moderador-na-parte-da-ban-no-bot-host-brasil-t9937.html
Moderators with Bad Manners with another simple user.

10th October 2009, 01:22 PM
Capone is the one of the representatives of the Brasil community, so his word would be the last and I believe he made no mistake here, but on the other hand, I can't help you cause I don't understand your language.

21st October 2009, 02:48 AM
I can't say I agree with 80% of what I read from bnetbrasil's moderators, especially the way they write it. What can I say for sure is that Capone should pay a little more attention to their behavior.

However, I cannot submit a further action based solely on arrogance. Please, post here again if you come to encounter any other irregularities.

Thereby, complaint archived.