View Full Version : Hi it is Cetre

18th September 2009, 03:10 AM
Hey everyone I am writing this here because euro turkey is not accessable currently.

My problem is being banned and muted. I think this is so unfair. While I am in tr channel I sweared to myself because of being careless. However trguard unfortunately cant understand this as we all know and naturally I was banned. After this just for fun:( I whispered trguard some bad words. I thought because of its being a bot it cant bother anyone. I know it is surely wrong but as I said I thought it wouldnt be problem but now I am completely muted and even cant whisp to an admin. Thus I am writing these here.

I dont have any proof and I cant have, but please I have to get a reply

18th September 2009, 03:30 AM
I think you was flaming on channel go check your banreason on

18th September 2009, 04:15 AM
Yes it is true but I flammed to my self... and as I said guard surely cant realize this. Also thank you for informing. I have taken a look at it, it says swear at admin. That admin must be tr guard...

18th September 2009, 01:32 PM
you did NOT flame to yrself, you flamed at an admin.

and you are not banned, you are muted. if you check

http://banlist.eurobattle.net/banlist you can see it.posted ss here, if you wanna check whom you flamed...

case closed.