View Full Version : Bad Manner What shall be done..

9th September 2009, 10:40 PM
There was a idiot in my game. Actually, "Bad manner" is not a definition good enough to decribe this critter. He is completely pathetic. Anyway, i guess he was using a name spoofer but to check it, i applied /p command and checked out the nicknames of players in allies screen and ping results. It was strange; that there was counterpart for his fake nickname. Is there a new kind of hack file that prevents the avability of player's real nick name to be seen? Well, i think eurobattle.net must take some serious meassures about this issues:
- prevent name spoofing, (annoying)
- prevent maphacking, (very annoying indeed)
- placing a very very difficult account registiration system (so some pathetic fool wont grab another thousands of accounts after he gets banned)
- anti-leaver system (here is the deal; a leaver player cannot join games for next 30 minutes if he leaves before game ends; or cannot log in to eurobattle.net etc.. think widely about this)
And if my English sucks; well, sorry about that :tiphat:

PS: I really want to know, what can be done about such morons mentioned above. AND PLEASE, DEAR MODERATOR or ADMIN; do not advise reporting such players to forum as it takes great time to prepare a solid report topic when it is compared with the time for an idiot to register for a new account..

10th September 2009, 06:15 PM
First of all you should read rules and check where to post.
Second of this you need proof that he was ill manered (screenshots , replay , ping )
Third of all is that you have to check for spoofs if you are host if not ask the host to do it.

We don't say we don't believe you but without proof we can't do anything. Have a nice day.


10th September 2009, 10:02 PM
Guess i couldn't explain myself; first of all...well..i guess you should read the whole message once more. Secondly, i didn't ask host to check his acc name; i did that personally. And i am asking; in this kind of sitiuation, (where appearantly, spoofing player has no visible account name in the results of /p command) what can i possibly do? That's all. Don't look rest of it as it will have no effect of server whether the topic is in the right section of forum or not.

10th September 2009, 10:35 PM
proper place to post has its effect, obviously - many people will just nor read this, as they see a report in other hacks.

if you cannot see the player via /p (he joined via lan admin game, or w/e), you can always type /p NICKNAME and then /whereis NICKNAME to check if you are really playing with him or her

10th September 2009, 11:35 PM
I understood all you said from your first post but since you couldn't detect his real name what can we do? Try to do what MiziGe said.

17th September 2009, 11:25 AM
All that you mentioned above would've been done if they were possible.
As for the case. No proofs, no ban.