View Full Version : Inicjowanie polaczenia...

18th August 2009, 11:02 AM
Zalozylem ten temat, gdyz nie znalazlem pomocy na moj problem, ktory jest w jego nazwie.
Zainstalowalem w3 + dodatek
Zainstalowalem launcher
Spatchowalem do wersji 1.23
Dodalem "eurobattle" do rejestru
Mimo prawidlowego postepowania wg instrukcji, nie moge sie polaczyc z serwerem "Inicjowanie poalczenia z battle.net". Zaznaczam, ze tak mozna czekac wiecznosc...
Chcialem jeszcze dodac, ze gralem na tym serwerze 2 lata, jednak gre skasowalem i po ponownym zainstalowaniu mam taki oto blad.
Prosze o pomoc

18th August 2009, 11:08 AM
(sorry if you do not speak english :) )

Did you use any kind of (nocd)crack?
Anyhow, the order in which you should install everything is
1. ROC
2. TFT
4. Euroloader
5. run eurobattle.reg

18th August 2009, 11:14 AM
I dont have original w3 but I dont cracking... : /

18th August 2009, 11:18 AM
that is OK, you do not have to use any cracks.

So, try to uninstall the game, and install it again, in the order I gave you.

18th August 2009, 11:26 AM
Its was 3rd install >_<

18th August 2009, 11:30 AM
yeah, but in which order do you install it?

18th August 2009, 11:48 AM
Same like in 1st post, or first patch, later launcher

18th August 2009, 11:51 AM

could it be your firewall is blocking it?
and are you sure you are connecting to eurobattle.net?

18th August 2009, 11:53 AM
I always playing with firewall, but i tried play without too : /
And my nick or IP is not banned

18th August 2009, 12:39 PM
and eurobattle.net is selected in the gateway?

am getting short of answers here :)
just checked your IP, not banned.

18th August 2009, 03:59 PM
Yes, and port 6112

18th August 2009, 04:17 PM
oh yeah, one last thing

are you using the loader? i.e. the w3l.exe, not the frozenthrone.exe

18th August 2009, 05:27 PM
Yes... :( One last thing to do is emocut... :/

18th August 2009, 05:30 PM

one last thing is to do a really thorough uninstall (use something like regseeker to clear the registry from anything connected to warcraft).
Download a full 1.23 patch, and re-download the 1.23 euroloader as well. Do not use the files you have now.

Install as described. ROC - try to launch it. Then TFT, launch again. Install the patch, then the euroloader. and test.

20th August 2009, 09:43 AM
I cant run without cracking :x
hmm some time ago i changed Internet ( + router for 2 computers) and new IP. Maybe its problem?

20th August 2009, 01:20 PM
I cant run without cracking :x
hmm some time ago i changed Internet ( + router for 2 computers) and new IP. Maybe its problem?

jak nie mozesz uruchomic gry bez cracka ? euroloader od tego jest, sprawdz to moze ci pomoze http://eurobattle.net/showthread.php?p=949392#post949392

i moze masz zablokowane porty albo blokuje ci go firewall lub jakis antywirus

20th August 2009, 01:30 PM
Mizige w ostatnim poscie napisal, zebym zainstalowal RoC, urchomil, potem FT i to samo. Po instalacji nie wlacze, bo nie ma cracka :P a lodaera mam. Jak juz pisalem, gralem tu 2 lata.
Skoro moga to byc porty, to jak je odblokowac? (Antivirus - Avira)