View Full Version : NEW website launch and general upgrades

27th April 2020, 01:23 AM

Today we are launching a new website ( https://eurobattle.net ) in parallel to major server upgrades. All main systems, including both forums, CG and DotA bots should be up and running.

There are a few things still waiting like PG ladder and old tour sites. We will do these in the following days.

There are also some broken pages and links lurking around, registration/email issues, forum sidebar turned off temporarily. We are aware of these and we will fix them as soon as humanly possible. Please have some patience until we are completely done and go back to the calm period, it will all be worth it.

We are reachable on discord at all times if you encounter a problem anywhere on the site.

Upgrade notes:
- new landing site. If you find a bad link or a typo do let us know!
- 10 gbit server uplink. Do let us know if you see any improvements or regression in gameplay latency.
- https everywhere
- vbulletin updates to latest v4 patch
- SMF updated to latest patch
- we changed the pvpgn news (huh?)

Additional notes:
- ss bots turned off until needed

For 3rd party bot owners:
- please restart your bots due to address cache used in ghost++

Best regards, eurobattle.net administration