View Full Version : Let's remind ourselves in the name of the Father, Son and The Holy Spirit

27th July 2016, 04:36 PM
Proverbs 17:17
A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.

Meaning of this? We should all love eachother at ss for we are friends :)

Romans 8:31
What, then, shall we say in in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?

That's right, you've found it, against us is the one, and only, The Deciever, The Snake, The Prince of Darknes... The Lucifer himself.. meaning we should be aware of him

Corinthians 16:13
Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong

That's right, we should never lose faith in the Lord, he's the one who's encouraging us to be strong.

Exodus 20:13
Thou shalt not kill.

That's right, every kill you make in DotA is a sin, so stop sinning and pray to the Lord for forgiveness!

Exodus 20:15
Thou shalt not steal.

That's right, you should never steal anything, not in DotA, not in real life. Every kill you steal, every aegis you steal, every cheese you steal, every item you steal, it's a sin!

Proverbs 12:22
Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord.

You should never lie, or else, the Lord, he might send you to hell. This includes when you say "Go finish guys, we won't defend" in DotA but instead, you go and defend.

Leviticus 26:1
Ye shall make ye no idols nor graven image, neither rear you up a standing image, neither shall ye set up any image of stone.

You should never have any idols(looking up to), that includes Pro DotA players such as Dendi, YamateH, Yaphets, Merlini, Night^^Stalker, Mushi, Nexxus and the other DotA/DotA 2 players.

Malachi 3:6
For I am the Lord, I change not.

What does this mean? It means that the Lord never changes his mind, meaning you should never sin!

I hope you've learned something from this.

Yours truly, 13th Apostle, Nexxus.

27th July 2016, 06:38 PM
1/10 for forum ban 1month

27th July 2016, 08:01 PM

27th July 2016, 11:19 PM
I almost read first setence.
Why some ppl have so much time to do nothing it their lives? Like jeantard, nexus, nirvana and others from jeantard's team.

28th July 2016, 01:56 PM
Dobro je dete, bice sve uredu..

28th July 2016, 04:13 PM
oću ja u raj? :/

28th July 2016, 05:06 PM

28th July 2016, 08:19 PM
God will help you people, just pray to him. Hes thy father, thy creator, thy everything. The judgement day will come, and we will all be sent to heaven. The God's Followers. If you aren't one of the gods followers I'd recommend you to go to church and ask for forgiveness. May Lord be with you, amen.

13th Apostle, Nexxus.

29th July 2016, 12:09 AM
boze sacuvaj xD

29th July 2016, 06:49 PM
That's right, God will keep you all safe, as Kamikaza said, just keep praying.

13th Apostle, Nexxus.

30th July 2016, 09:00 PM
ok, so if god will help me I will help myself in the proces of beeing good and you will forever live in my hearth

31st July 2016, 03:49 PM

31st July 2016, 05:57 PM

1st August 2016, 11:41 AM
@FiKa[F] That's right my child.

@Jeandarc One day you will come to a realization that our lord and saviour Jesus sacrificed himself for you to be a good guy, not some tyrant on the internet. Are you possessed by a demon maybe?

@****erFuckara. You are wrong my child. This is God, This is Jesus, This is the Judgement Day. Confess your sins and the Lord will forgive you :)

13th Apostle, Nexxus.

3rd August 2016, 04:29 PM
Nexxuse, mani se apsolutistickih vidjenja na zivot i coveka, procitaj pokoju knjigu pa mozda i uspes da mislis svojom glavom mesto da slusas te neke pacenike sa nikakvim znanjem i iskustvom u zivotu...

Nepodnosljiva lakoca zivljenja - Milan Kundere

Sidarta - Herman Hese

A mozda cak i Životinjska farma od Orwella jer ipak si jos baby junior ;D

4th August 2016, 08:35 AM
I'm reading a book right now, and it's very entertaining, it's called LaVey's Bibl--- I meant The Holy Bible, sorry

I also have a story to share about God enlightnening me with his holiness :)

Few days ago, I was dreaming something totally random, it was pitch black, couldn't see anything in the dream, then I wake up and I realise, is this a sign from God? is it that I have sinned? then I went to do few prayers and asked for forgiveness, and as usual, god always forgives people and after that I was like, my days all boosted with faith, all great, but then, BUT THEN, I decided to turn on my computer (which is obviously a devilish thing, I never use technology, except if I'm forced to(btw I'm amish))and go on safelist forum, as I wrote eurobattle.net/blabla-ss/html.com I pressed the big enter button and when the page loaded, what did I see? I saw a message from God telling me that I should stop using technology, that my location has been sinned (IP BANNED OBVIOUSLY), I turned off the computer, stood up from the chair and went to take a little breath outside and a walk, then the other day I had another great dream, in the dream I saw holy light (whiteness only) and I was like; Okay this must be it, the day I've been blessed and gonna get taken to heaven, but I told to myself, why don't I try searching lagabuse now, since I'm banned on eurobattle.net before I go to Heaven, and I did that and by MISTAKE (it wasn't on purpose) I clicked the safelist section that's at lagabuse.com forum, and what did I see when I came here? I saw a message in my mailbox by "GOD" saying; You my child have been blessed, I shall remove thy sins and you may proceed to Heaven : ) (Smiley face obviously, God smiles if you didn't know) and what did I replay with? obviously I said; Okay, I'm there in few minutes.

What's the morale of the story? Never lose faith in our Lord and Saviour : )

What were the changes in my life? I'm an Holy Person now and the left hand of our Lord and Saviour : )

13th Apostle, Nexxus.

4th August 2016, 11:07 AM
I'm reading a book right now, and it's very entertaining, it's called LaVey's Bibl--- I meant The Holy Bible, sorry

I also have a story to share about God enlightnening me with his holiness :)

Few days ago, I was dreaming something totally random, it was pitch black, couldn't see anything in the dream, then I wake up and I realise, is this a sign from God? is it that I have sinned? then I went to do few prayers and asked for forgiveness, and as usual, god always forgives people and after that I was like, my days all boosted with faith, all great, but then, BUT THEN, I decided to turn on my computer (which is obviously a devilish thing, I never use technology, except if I'm forced to(btw I'm amish))and go on safelist forum, as I wrote eurobattle.net/blabla-ss/html.com I pressed the big enter button and when the page loaded, what did I see? I saw a message from God telling me that I should stop using technology, that my location has been sinned (IP BANNED OBVIOUSLY), I turned off the computer, stood up from the chair and went to take a little breath outside and a walk, then the other day I had another great dream, in the dream I saw holy light (whiteness only) and I was like; Okay this must be it, the day I've been blessed and gonna get taken to heaven, but I told to myself, why don't I try searching lagabuse now, since I'm banned on eurobattle.net before I go to Heaven, and I did that and by MISTAKE (it wasn't on purpose) I clicked the safelist section that's at lagabuse.com forum, and what did I see when I came here? I saw a message in my mailbox by "GOD" saying; You my child have been blessed, I shall remove thy sins and you may proceed to Heaven : ) (Smiley face obviously, God smiles if you didn't know) and what did I replay with? obviously I said; Okay, I'm there in few minutes.

What's the morale of the story? Never lose faith in our Lord and Saviour : )

What were the changes in my life? I'm an Holy Person now and the left hand of our Lord and Saviour : )

13th Apostle, Nexxus.

Što ti je glupačo?? Jesi ludaa?? :DDD


6th August 2016, 11:01 AM
xaaxaxaxax 13. apostol neksus axaxaxxaax

7th August 2016, 10:35 PM
I have many more stories to share with all of you, but yes, time is up, judgement day is coming. I have to prepare my self. Confess your sins like I did and you'll be accepted by our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and his Father :)

13th Apostle, Nexxus.

9th August 2016, 02:26 AM
I have many more stories to share with all of you, but yes, time is up, judgement day is coming. I have to prepare my self. Confess your sins like I did and you'll be accepted by our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and his Father :)

13th Apostle, Nexxus.
ae stfu jebem ti familiju

13th August 2016, 08:20 AM
ae stfu jebem ti familiju
That's quite rude my child, didn't your parents teach you to some manners, I'm the one who blessed you at birth.

13th August 2016, 08:33 AM