View Full Version : Usefull things to know for all members !

29th October 2015, 03:45 PM
- As you all may know games are played at channel W3-Safelist (SS).
- Main modes played are CD(captain draft) and CM (captain mode). When u ''.sign'' up for a game,you can set your vote for CD or CM.
Based on those votes,most played mode is CD.
- Season lasts 1 month,after which we award our best players with icons on forum and server,and hall of fame mention.


Support : Buy wards/chick.Ganking,and helping as much as you can in making carry's farm easier,by creating space,baby-sitting,decoy.
Hard Carry : Main role is to farm and lead his team to victory. A good carry keeps constant pressure on enemy towers by keeping lanes pushed,and counter pushing in some situations,forcing enemies to tp to base in order to defend.
Off-lane : Goal is to leech as much xp as you can from enemy creeps,without dying on lane,and take advantage as fast as you can from that level 6.
Jungler : Farming at woods,in order to get fast dagger and aid your team (axe,doom) or ganking while farming (enigma).
Tank : Harder to kill,able to front in teamfights,helping teammates to position better ( Bristleback,Cent )
Initiator : Engager in teamfights with dagger usually (Bat,Puck,axe etc )
Pusher : Able to clear creep waves fast and take towers down fast (Jakiro,pugna etc ).


Pulling creeps :

In order to pull creep camp you have to take creeps at second 51-53 to allied creep spawn.To stack multiple camps at once you'll need tango's or a quelling blade to cut trees,just like in the video below :


The same thing you do to ancients,in order to stack. Note : if you get lizzard spawned u gotta wait for the big one to atack you,otherwise big lizzard won't follow you,and you wont be able to stack a new camp.
IMPORTANT NOTE : Single pulling is usually BAD on a trilane,unless you wanna push lane and take tower. If you don't wanna push lane,then you have to double-camp pull,or multi stack then pull creep wave. This way creeps will die most likely,and opponents will lose xp.

Aggro :

Aggro enemy creeps towards you by positioning yourself ingame and use atack (A) command.


And towers aggro,by atacking ally creep or deny.


Vision difference on day/night :


How to smoke gank :


How to play on trilane vs offlaner as support :


How to play as offlaner to gain xp :


Hopefully this can help,and improve your experience @ SS league !

29th October 2015, 05:53 PM
ss members should already know these stuff properly, move this to dota section if you want to make a guide.