View Full Version : Unvouch req.

24th May 2015, 08:39 PM

Pls admins look at the plays of venomancer and u decide whether he should have a vouch or not ... Not gonna make pressure but I personally think that he's just bad player for this league. Cheers

25th May 2015, 02:51 AM
+ if someones say don't judge by 1 game.. I understand not having reflexes or some shit like those but the positioning and the plays... i remember he took my share cuz we told him why he plays so bad ... i don't think he's place is in SS

25th May 2015, 11:05 AM
it should not be judged by one game

25th May 2015, 12:47 PM
As i said previously i understand not playing well having bad last hit or not using magic on time ... But the positioning of that guy going deward when 5 heroes are pressuring us and doing stuff that is absolutely stupid. I remember when he got ganked on the river at the roshan's pit I told him b and he died and i asked him wtf u are doing and he removed share of the courier and ignored me ... i mean FFS

25th May 2015, 12:49 PM
Will be solved soon,rlx

25th May 2015, 01:03 PM
We never had problems or complains about i_like_dat's plays.
He moved solo most of time indeed,having bad movement,getting caught out of position couple of times.
but he tried to do his role.
We will discuss this between staff,and post our decision.

25th May 2015, 03:55 PM
Yeah, i guess he aint as worse venomancer as borovje...

25th May 2015, 04:07 PM
Wait he's #4 at pd ladder and he can't play support venomancer? waht is happening

25th May 2015, 04:59 PM
oh look what we got here ahahhah :D


Pls admins look at the plays of venomancer and u decide whether he should have a vouch or not ... Not gonna make pressure but I personally think that he's just bad player for this league. Cheers
well u flamed me when i died at river for for the first time when i was trying to deward,it wasnt in purpose i was just trying to be useful for the team. as for unshare dont cry cuz u had travel + meppo and u could go anytime in base to get items. and i didnt missed a single slow,bought wards to ward & deward all the time. just for dying 2-3 times i rly dont think its enough to get unvouched but its up to staff to decide. if only 1 of them vote for unvouch i will leave.so everything is said i guess.cheers

25th May 2015, 06:56 PM
oh look what we got here ahahhah :D

well u flamed me when i died at river for for the first time when i was trying to deward,it wasnt in purpose i was just trying to be useful for the team. as for unshare dont cry cuz u had travel + meppo and u could go anytime in base to get items. and i didnt missed a single slow,bought wards to ward & deward all the time. just for dying 2-3 times i rly dont think its enough to get unvouched but its up to staff to decide. if only 1 of them vote for unvouch i will leave.so everything is said i guess.cheers

Thank you for your side of story.
Flames is one league issues atm,we are aware of it. Personally i suggest next time just use ignore command if you feel offended by someone's agressive talks.
We'll post our decision soon. Regards !

25th May 2015, 08:26 PM
Vyoss next dendi?

26th May 2015, 12:17 PM
Unvouch request Denied !
Be more carefull from now on with your movements on map,and dont unshare when you are flamed,if you're playing support :)