View Full Version : ban yuma psihijatar

13th March 2015, 02:41 AM
Ban [yuma]psihijatr

Reason: Flame

Story: Here's the story, we were all playing normal and he was feeding with dazzle 7-16 (END GAME Score) and I was joking with him about his score and he started to flame like "Mater ti jebem"

Here's the whole chat
[Fri Mar 13 02:33:58 2015] [Guard] said: Message from [YuMa]Psihijatr: nexus evo odo da jebem, kevu cu mnogo da ti grebem, mnogo ce da se dere dok joj kurcem picku ne operem.
[Fri Mar 13 02:34:12 2015] [FRIEND WHISPER]: (fm) xddddddddddd
[Fri Mar 13 02:34:26 2015] [WHISPER] [[YuMa]Psihijatr]: low low low low low low low low low i uvek ces biti low
[Fri Mar 13 02:34:31 2015] [WHISPER] [[YuMa]Psihijatr]: poz
[Fri Mar 13 02:35:04 2015] [WHISPER] [[YuMa]Psihijatr]: kad naucis da igras onda me psovaj
[Fri Mar 13 02:35:16 2015] [[YuMa]Psihijatr] said: e tu mothre ragazza la fuma di cazzo
[Fri Mar 13 02:35:41 2015] [[YuMa]Psihijatr] said: nisi svjestan kolki si mi predmet sprdnje rad svoje retardiranosti . do sutra pozz
[Fri Mar 13 02:35:49 2015] [WHISPER] [[YuMa]Psihijatr]: y
[Fri Mar 13 02:35:50 2015] [WHISPER] [[YuMa]Psihijatr]: vidi se
[Fri Mar 13 02:35:52 2015] [WHISPER] [[YuMa]Psihijatr]: veze nemas dote
[Fri Mar 13 02:35:55 2015] [WHISPER] [[YuMa]Psihijatr]: i jos pricas brate
[Fri Mar 13 02:35:59 2015] [WHISPER] [[YuMa]Psihijatr]: samo mozes da psovas
[Fri Mar 13 02:36:03 2015] [WHISPER] [[YuMa]Psihijatr]: drugse nista
[Fri Mar 13 02:36:11 2015] [WHISPER] [[YuMa]Psihijatr]: kad naucis da igas dotu onda psovaj i sve to
[Fri Mar 13 02:36:14 2015] [WHISPER] [[YuMa]Psihijatr]: a sad cuti i uci
[Fri Mar 13 02:36:14 2015] [[YuMa]Psihijatr] said: samo mozes da naucis da ne pricas ti abe makedonska?
[Fri Mar 13 02:36:15 2015] [WHISPER] [[YuMa]Psihijatr]: dobro?
[Fri Mar 13 02:36:20 2015] [[YuMa]Psihijatr] said: psovaj hahahahaah
[Fri Mar 13 02:36:24 2015] [[YuMa]Psihijatr] said: majka ti ebam?
[Fri Mar 13 02:36:32 2015] [WHISPER] [[YuMa]Psihijatr]: mogu da te report al to je to xd
[Fri Mar 13 02:36:33 2015] [WHISPER] [[YuMa]Psihijatr]: necu
[Fri Mar 13 02:36:49 2015] [[YuMa]Psihijatr] said: reportaj majka ti kasne e kicma polomita?
[Fri Mar 13 02:37:00 2015] [WHISPER] [[YuMa]Psihijatr]: umirem bate
[Fri Mar 13 02:37:03 2015] [WHISPER] [[YuMa]Psihijatr]: ne mogu vise
[Fri Mar 13 02:37:09 2015] [WHISPER] [[YuMa]Psihijatr]: kako si retardiran to je nevozmozno xd
[Fri Mar 13 02:37:18 2015] [[YuMa]Psihijatr] said: boze meni kad su lockali 30 accountova rad flejmova
[Fri Mar 13 02:37:26 2015] [[YuMa]Psihijatr] said: ti nisi ni bio na ovom serveru
[Fri Mar 13 02:37:28 2015] [WHISPER] [[YuMa]Psihijatr]: a sad ti ode report xd
[Fri Mar 13 02:37:38 2015] [WHISPER] [[YuMa]Psihijatr]: molices kao sto si moleo da ti vrate rank
[Fri Mar 13 02:37:40 2015] [WHISPER] [[YuMa]Psihijatr]: level
[Fri Mar 13 02:37:42 2015] [WHISPER] [[YuMa]Psihijatr]: poz

I can give screenshots if necessary

13th March 2015, 02:49 AM
Nexus sekoJ pat koga ḱe se pogledne na ovoJ post znaete deka vi se dopaǵa motherfucker vo vašiot polski WCU , ako ne veruvaJte mi se zaprašate kolku ḱe doJde Jas sum eden od niv vo 1000 , što Ja zaebana postoi možebi Jas i Otecot ne daJ Bože , no sepak da se vidi od priloženite di ste bile začnati.

13th March 2015, 02:50 AM
Reporto je nekoga zato jer sam mu reko jebem ti mater..... kada spojis nexusov skill, inteligenciju i godine dobijes abominaciju ljudskog uma
nemam nist protiv covjeka, nit imam sada.....ali je jednostavno tuzno da netko glup poput nexusa, nije uvrijedjen niti se bori izasta i dalje reporta zato jer ga nitko ne primjecuje dovoljno ili ga roditelji nisu voljeli kad je bio dijete.....jbg tako je kad si dijete incesta

13th March 2015, 02:57 AM
When you are low the only thing you can do is flame and abuse powers, but in this situation you have no power, so you just flame, you have low skill, you have no manners, you disrespect others and who knows what else. First learn dota, then talk

Also, your picture explains everything.

13th March 2015, 03:10 AM
Nexxus spam Yuma All the game U can see in the reply he was kaldr(nexxus) and Yuma (dazzle) he spam about score e.t.c . Nexxus eats shits all game and now he report him ?
Nexxus need to get ban here !

13th March 2015, 03:21 AM
Nexxus spam Yuma All the game U can see in the reply he was kaldr(nexxus) and Yuma (dazzle) he spam about score e.t.c . Nexxus eats shits all game and now he report him ?
Nexxus need to get ban here !

You can also stop a**licking sf-ulty, he was the one who started first like "Don't wanna play with nexxus, he's low skilled, swap him to opposing team and craps and shits" and also I didn't flame him, he did... Joking about something is totally different than flaming family...

Also what's the other thing I spammed about? As I recall I spammed only about his score and I wouldn't call that spamming, cause spamming is repeating the same word or writting shit over and over again rapidly

13th March 2015, 04:12 AM
You can also stop a**licking sf-ulty, he was the one who started first like "Don't wanna play with nexxus, he's low skilled, swap him to opposing team and craps and shits" and also I didn't flame him, he did... Joking about something is totally different than flaming family...

Also what's the other thing I spammed about? As I recall I spammed only about his score and I wouldn't call that spamming, cause spamming is repeating the same word or writting shit over and over again rapidly

So you were joking when u flamed me the same after not picking you ''mater ti jebem bree'' ?!
I dont defend psihijatr he's same material as you,flamer,rager. But you cant report someone for smthing that urself did 3-4 days ago.

Mby other admin who understands what u chat about there,can solve this.


When you are low the only thing you can do is flame and abuse powers, but in this situation you have no power, so you just flame, you have low skill, you have no manners, you disrespect others and who knows what else. First learn dota, then talk

Also, your picture explains everything.


13th March 2015, 11:28 AM
When you are low the only thing you can do is flame and abuse powers, but in this situation you have no power, so you just flame, you have low skill, you have no manners, you disrespect others and who knows what else. First learn dota, then talk
Also, your picture explains everything.
That night i was so fucking high and i made mistake , i had sexually relationship with you mother so i just prayed saint Antun Padovanski that she don't get pregnant again .

13th March 2015, 11:30 AM
Nexxus spam Yuma All the game U can see in the reply he was kaldr(nexxus) and Yuma (dazzle) he spam about score e.t.c . Nexxus eats shits all game and now he report him ?
Nexxus need to get ban here !

Sf-ulty i ignored nexuss in ingame after 9 min of game so i even don't know what he spammed im not in mood anymore to read those nonsense sentences from him.

13th March 2015, 12:53 PM
stop deleting my posts jesus...

13th March 2015, 03:04 PM
dramaaaaaaaaaaaaaa boys.

13th March 2015, 03:45 PM
I don't have time nor will to find the guilty one, since you both insult each other.

Next time I hear any of you flame, I'll just ban both.

One more guard flame like that and you'll be level 1 without option to be promoted ever again.
