View Full Version : unban req

9th May 2013, 10:21 PM
Server Account Name:chococookie
Link to the thread where you were banned:http://eurobattle.net/threads/192094-Mirana-mh
Arguments for your self-defence:ok so it seems some admins never heard of a sarcastic remark but hey it;s fine no worries... now lets talk about those times.... those kills on lycan in the woods... duh everyone knew he will be farming i just checked... min 8 i was coming down to gang omni and i met with tinker... min 16 thats my favourite someone was stuck in the trees and the creeps were attacking him that's why i used arrow there...
All in all seems i just got banned for a stupid remark... GG eurobattle.net
And i just banned another account cause i logged on name is prajiturel

9th May 2013, 11:17 PM
Yea It's possible that everyone knows lycan farming in nc but how to possible to hit lycon with arrow without any vision :) chance?

9th May 2013, 11:24 PM
i was lucky i checked 2 out of 5 zones of creeps and i arrowed in third

10th May 2013, 09:35 PM
My brother was banned last year here and i couldn't play for three months and it wasn't even my fault and now when i start playing again on eurobattle i get an unfair ban... so please can someone do something about it?

11th May 2013, 09:48 AM
I checked your other games and you're mher. You don't do fog click, trying to be smart mher :) but It doesn't matter ;)


Bye :)