View Full Version : Registering server account, account and activation problems

25th August 2008, 07:50 PM
1) Creation

Account creation has 3 steps :

1) Confirmation
2) Registration
3) Activation

Firstly, you need to go to this (http://warden.eurobattle.net/pvpgn/createaccount) site and confirm your email. Fill in the email address field and complete the captcha. You will then receive a verification email, click on the confirmation link and it will take you to the registration form.

2) Registration

Carefully fill all the fields and click on the "Register account" button.

3) Activation

In order to play on our server you need to activate your account once a month.

What is account activation ? It's 60 sec long process that lets us know that you still use your account.

How to do it ? Firstly, you need to go to this (http://app.eurobattle.net/activate) site. Click on the "Activate account" button and you will be taken to the second step of activation. You have to write your server account name/password and press the 'Activate account' button there. Once its done your account will be activated for the next month.

That's all ! You can freely log on our server and enjoy your favorite game :)

Notes :
1) Account activation is totally FREE. You don't need to pay anything for it !
2) You have to activate your account once a month.
3) If you don't activate your account once a month, it will be 'frozen'.
4) 'Frozen' accounts can't be used.
5) 'Frozen' accounts will stay in server's database for 1 year. After, they may be deleted.
6) To unfreeze your account, you just need to go to activation site again( Here (http://app.eurobattle.net/activate) is the link ) and simply activate it as written above.

Possible/known problems

P : '24 hours passed and I didn't receive confirmation mail'
S : Are you sure you wrote correct e-mail ? Did you check spam folder ? If yes, post in this thread: http://eurobattle.net/threads/198758-About-activation-problems!

P : 'I receive bad username/password error while activating'
S : Are you sure you typed correct username/password ? Try rewriting it. Make sure you used SERVER account username/password, not forum one. If still the same problem occurs, post here: http://eurobattle.net/threads/198758-About-activation-problems! or contact Cen (http://eurobattle.net/members/153393-Cen) by PM.

IF YOU CAN'T CREATE AN ACCOUNT BUT YOU KNOW IT DOES NOT EXIST AFTER CHECKING ON SERVER, POST HERE: http://eurobattle.net/threads/198758-About-activation-problems! OR SEND A PRIVATE MESSAGE TO Cen (http://eurobattle.net/members/153393-Cen)