View Full Version : ___[_Skady_]___ - [123]nirvanA - [123]carsi

7th February 2012, 04:36 PM
they use mh all game, [123]carsi its the more stupid, ___[_Skady_]___ too, and maybe [123]nirvanA was on lag or maybe its a mega noob
at ~6min clock uses rockets at fog in top to try kill barat!
at ~40min on roshan
at ~50min on roshan
i dont remember all right times in game but always when we go to roshan they comes with skills
maybe at ~35min
another time clock rockets bara in base

i forget the replay

game: http://playdota.eu/stats/game/3301156/arem-1550-1-4
replay: http://replay.playdota.eu/3301156/2012/01/31/58m43s_arem-1550-1-4.w3g

8th February 2012, 02:01 AM
[123]nirvanA account permanently locked + IP banned for 3 months.
___[_Skady_]___ account permanently locked + IP banned for 3 months.
[123]carsi account permanently locked + IP banned for 3 months.