View Full Version : imyourworstenemy

18th January 2012, 11:14 PM
SUP M3N? :crown:

19th January 2012, 12:05 AM
ok i flamed but he flammed me 2 and i asked him to leave the game like 10 times he had 270 ping and he said that it must be over 300 and lets all remember how many times gggl flames us i remeber a few years ago everytime i joine a game he sais leave nabs and being ironic and staff like that .i dont have proofs for now but we all know that gggl is a flamer what a irony being reported by a flamer.

19th January 2012, 12:06 AM
and ps : hes nick is himen :))) thats a female organ xd

19th January 2012, 12:34 AM
Well you would pass without lock if you have not said that last sentence on the first ss

imurworstenemy locked 3 days
