View Full Version : .denied ReVouch req. [BdP]Zimo [+++/--]

Zimo Pg
24th December 2011, 12:14 AM
1.) Your personal and bnet name.
Marko , [bdp]zimo

2.) Your Age.
I am 17 y/o

3.) Where are you from?
Backa Topola , near Subotica , Serbia

4.) State your reason why you want to play here. (INCLUDE how you heard the league for, write nick if its recommendation)
SS is best league where you can play dota on xpam. I want to improve my skill and i am ready to learn from better players. I want to play with pro and skilled players and i have some friends there... I did heard for this leaghe from my friend [yuma]joker and i was in it but deny on trial period.

5) Your own, honest, assessment of your manners and temper.
I am well mannered. I like jokes , but when i play i am totaly concentraded on game. Some times i get nervos , but i dont flame and calm down fast.

6.) Your own, honest, assessment of your DotA-skills.
I belive that i belong to the class of semi-skilled players.
I can play any roles , I like the most carry heroes , but mosty i play support heroes. I dont like to play heroes like visage , ench , chen etc . Its not that i dont like to play i HATE to play em xd , but i can , not with some decent job but i can...

7.) A brief history about yourself (Only dota related information please - INCLUDE previous leagues, if any).
I am playing DotA for more then 5 years. Mostly i play on xpam , now i play sometimes on darer with friends , i have rgc but i didnt playd on it like 2 mounts ... I was in many clans (AoFx , BdP , WsL , SADT , SA , Brother etc ) and currently I am in clan IfS(immortal faiths XD ). I was in sooo many leages that i dont remmeber all of then , on xpam : hostbot , edl , dpl , ss ... On rgc - dpl , dgl , osl , eal , cro.community , asia.community and other i cant remember now cause i get unvouched cause i was lazy to dl new client.
Many tours :
Balkan 1vs1 tours , insta tour on darer and xpam , lan tour in our city (we were 3rd) , 2vs2 on darer and xpam , 5vs5 weakly tour on darer , balkan 5vs5 tour etc..

8.) Replay which will show your skills, satisfying all noted ss requirements.

Both on balkan , magina - we lost it , but i think i did my job
levi - just play'd on balkan , i had 130 ping whole game , atm i dont have better support replay


24th December 2011, 05:55 AM
Magina replay:
- You missed a few creeps in the early game but that's not the point. You need to have control over your lane, especially when it's 3v1... What I mean by this is controlling the position of the creep fights. Deny your creeps whenever you can, and only last hit opponents creeps. That way your creeps wouldn't have gone to his tower and he (Furion) wouldn't have gotten so much experience quickly (lvl 3).
- You should've considered taking BF (at least that's what I'd go) as your first item since you had free farm with no interferences whatsoever from min 1 to 17 min. Plus you had 3 kills on top of that. You would have dealt a lot more damage with it, hp and mana reg, splash (better, faster farming). You would've killed them a lot that way and wouldn't let them "grow".
- They never ganked you, never tried to gank you, so they weren't much of a... how should I put it, challenge to you.
- Your item build is decent and appropriate but I'd disagree with their order. Since you had an imba farm you should have went for dmg right away, as I said (BF), then PT/Vang, Vladimir's Offering (lifesteal is important as well as the item's auras) or BKB first since they were fed and had a lot of disables, Hex for example. Later on go Butter/Manta what you prefer. With this item build you could've easily went Rosh solo and farm better as I previously stated.
- You engaged that fight at Roshan's solo which encouraged your other 2 supports to come while being apart from other 2 team members causing the 3 of you to die first and losing the fight instantly.
I'm not saying you failed the game, your team was horrible, but I'm saying with the build I presented here I think you would've at least stood a chance. That's all.

Tide replay:
- First, no need for 3x Ironwood, instead of that you could've taken a Smoke of Deceit (so the cooldown for the stock would begin and having the option of ganking more successfully) and another Clarity, because you sure the hell need more than 1 Clarity on that side.
- Your skill build is way wrong, you went: Gush, Anchor Smash, Anchor Smash, Gush, Anchor Smash... You maxed Anchor? And taking Kraken Shell later... Yours is not to deal damage with Anchor, yours is to support the guys who do it. And you need to survive to do so. Kraken Shell is a very good skill for resistance.
- For someone who plays support most of the time you should know where and when to put more offensive wards, especially when you're owning like that. You placed a one ward totally wrong. You had no usage of it.
Your opponents weren't hard to beat too. They played awfully...
You didn't point out to be the best of supports.

I'm not a voucher to ask from you another support replay but I think you should put another one. Because you will be playing support in SS at first and this one wasn't that convincing.
Do consider this as a positive criticism. A way to improve.
Let's hear it from the vouchers.

Zimo Pg
24th December 2011, 11:12 AM
As i remember i maxed gush , but nwm. Tnx for critism.

24th December 2011, 12:06 PM
fuck no , go support!

24th December 2011, 12:43 PM

24th December 2011, 12:46 PM
sup for zimo , nice guy cool player

24th December 2011, 12:53 PM
!sup for zimo, flisk new voucher?

24th December 2011, 12:57 PM
@ flisk 161005

zimo wants some rematch vs me and urke in lane ? :D

24th December 2011, 01:06 PM

24th December 2011, 01:55 PM
!sapport cool guy

24th December 2011, 02:12 PM
Mega !sup

Zimo Pg
25th December 2011, 02:44 PM
Tnx all , @vaikiss shure :D

25th December 2011, 03:48 PM
!supp for this ziman tard

25th December 2011, 04:05 PM
flisk wannabe ss voucher >.<.

shit I m so going to be beaten by majestic and noel.

25th December 2011, 04:11 PM
vouch 1/3.

25th December 2011, 05:28 PM

25th December 2011, 05:35 PM
weak player

25th December 2011, 06:01 PM
give him a chance

26th December 2011, 01:46 AM
give him a chance


26th December 2011, 01:47 AM

26th December 2011, 10:43 AM
he was bad last time, dunno how can 1 month trully change him....

26th December 2011, 06:31 PM

27th December 2011, 11:06 AM
@tide replay:
spellbuild was wrong, imho the proper spellbuild is gush-anchor-gush-shell-gush-ulty then max anchor(this is mostly since u need the nuke but also u need to make sure u can cast ur ulty(that's where the shell comes in handy by denying your disables)
let's say u did good on lane but u kinda stole a lot of kills. i must say u need to learn to buy some mana regen
u ganged pretty good after the lane phase.
i must say i don't aprove of the dagger in that situation, i prefer hood+pipe, but w/e it works just as fine i guess
i didn't like how in min 22~ you initiated with the dagger, but u failed horribly jumping alone, tide is not an initiator, he's kinda the 3rd hero who joins the fight since he needs to make sure his teammates are there to deal the dmg while your opponents are stunned, there, u just jumped in and only mort, who blinked did some dmg(thus complete waste of ulty)
min 28~same mistake, jumping while nobody was there
pretty much because of these mistakes i must deny u, doing such things in ss even once will surely lose the game


Your item build is decent and appropriate but I'd disagree with their order. Since you had an imba farm you should have went for dmg right away, as I said (BF), then PT/Vang, Vladimir's Offering (lifesteal is important as well as the item's auras) or BKB first since they were fed and had a lot of disables, Hex for example. Later on go Butter/Manta what you prefer. With this item build you could've easily went Rosh solo and farm better as I previously stated.
bf is an useless item on magina made by players who just want to farm a bit, NOBODY will stay next to magina's target in a teamfight, just because they're afraid of his ulty.
even worse, bf before vang, it just makes your farming useless, u have tons of dmg, but with 600hp, now tell me that's usefull.
vladmir's? NEVER, it's a supportive item, not something a carry can afford to lose 1itemslot with.

Your skill build is way wrong, you went: Gush, Anchor Smash, Anchor Smash, Gush, Anchor Smash... You maxed Anchor? And taking Kraken Shell later... Yours is not to deal damage with Anchor, yours is to support the guys who do it. And you need to survive to do so. Kraken Shell is a very good skill for resistance.
wrong, u don't max shell, u max gush, for the same reason u don't take bl with ogre, even if u are support, u need to have some nukes, maxing gush is indicated since the debuff actually improves with lvl, while anchor stays the same at all lvls, u need 1lvl in shell untill lvl6, that i agree i stated the reason above.

27th December 2011, 11:57 AM
rolf decay noob, uget bfury on magina in 11mins with pt sout u can do whole woods + lane in 1 min
so u got in 20 min viatlity bfuury pt manta and its not crapy its rapes

27th December 2011, 12:19 PM
so u got in 20 min viatlity bfuury pt manta and its not crapy its rapes
and for 20minutes u don't help your team at all, seems like a pro game

27th December 2011, 12:21 PM
Bf is cool if you can get it early game in easy lane. It improves your farm drastically.

27th December 2011, 12:52 PM
bf is an useless item on magina made by players who just want to farm a bit, NOBODY will stay next to magina's target in a teamfight, just because they're afraid of his ulty.
even worse, bf before vang, it just makes your farming useless, u have tons of dmg, but with 600hp, now tell me that's usefull.
vladmir's? NEVER, it's a supportive item, not something a carry can afford to lose 1itemslot with.

For this statement alone I'd demote you from voucher position seeing you have no fucking idea about the game. Jesus christ

27th December 2011, 12:55 PM
and this is why i don't give a rat's ass about what u say

27th December 2011, 01:12 PM
and this is why i don't give a rat's ass about what u say

if you did maybe you wouldn't be so bad in a game you spend years on and care about enough to be a voucher in a league

27th December 2011, 03:03 PM
this isn't the place for such discussions, if u want post somewhere else and i'll be glad to see what other idiotic things u ppl say

27th December 2011, 03:44 PM
mesive saportina.

27th December 2011, 03:53 PM
mesive saportina.

joker support i vouch.

Zimo Pg
28th December 2011, 10:25 PM
Tnx all :)

29th December 2011, 05:38 PM
Cut the shit already and stop spamming every vouch request.

Zimo Pg
2nd January 2012, 09:39 PM
Vouchers pls....

4th January 2012, 08:36 PM
saport :thumbUP:

Zimo Pg
5th January 2012, 02:17 AM
Tnx all , btw what i need to do ? Should i upload new replay(s) ?

5th January 2012, 04:07 AM

5th January 2012, 09:12 AM
Tnx all , btw what i need to do ? Should i upload new replay(s) ?

Neah , if they wanted u to do that they would have told u...I see u have 2 + and 2 - so u just have to wait for one of the other 2 remaining vouchers to watch the replays and answer u :)

5th January 2012, 09:39 PM
Vouched good luck.

30th January 2012, 08:41 PM