View Full Version : Player [MMO] MH

6th December 2011, 06:06 AM
In the following replay you can see as folows:

4 min he empties the bottle before seing that the rune was there, even though there was no ward to see runes. He does that another 3 times before 10 min of game.

At around 10 min, a sentinel player says that MMO is MH on the sentinell allied chat.

He confess his MH as he says that there was a ward (wich there wasnt) and respond to something he couldnt possibly read. He as scourge was reading sentinell allied chat.

Thanks in advance to the admins!

7th December 2011, 01:09 AM
GoD]^[Scorpion. Locked + IP Locked 3 months

