View Full Version : Ban alert

23rd October 2010, 02:02 PM
Nume:scourge team
Reason: am cerut rmk in min 9 deoarece picase 1 player,din team-ul meu,si au zis ca vor sa dea rmk,etc etc.. :)

23rd October 2010, 05:51 PM
Reason: am cerut rmk in min 9 deoarece picase 1 player,din team-ul meu,si au zis ca vor sa dea rmk,etc etc..

Si care-i acuzatia ?

23rd October 2010, 06:19 PM
krek era cu gandu la virgine knd a facut cererea =))

23rd October 2010, 08:32 PM
sry eram cu draci,vream sa zic,ca am cerut rmk,ca a iesit unul de la noi,si ei n-au vrut sa dea rmk,regulamentul era sa se dea rmk,daca pica unu pana in min 10 :) cam asta era

23rd October 2010, 08:39 PM
00:07:41 Creep spawning
00:08:28 Ethirihl First Kill: Killed [O.x]
00:15:56 BaveriaN Destroyed external scourge bottom Tower
00:16:49 [O.x] Disconnected
00:16:50 [K0RD]Mihai Stats: 17 creep kills - 3 denies - 0 neutrals
00:16:54 KeNy. Paused the game
00:16:54 [K0RD]Mihai Unpaused the game after 4s
00:17:34 Ethirihl Left the game
00:17:34 73RRoR Left the game
00:17:34 [RDC]LES Left the game
00:17:34 alx2907 Left the game
00:17:34 BaveriaN Left the game
00:17:34 sPw.][.Pirania Left the game
00:17:34 .^4cidfr3ak Left the game
00:17:34 [K0RD]Mihai Left the game
00:17:34 KeNy. Left the game
00:17:34 Game terminated

Dota Side Winner : not determined

S-a dat rmk.
Caz inchis.