View Full Version : Puppies thrown in river

2nd September 2010, 05:43 PM

2nd September 2010, 06:18 PM
as arunca-o eu pe aia in rau. idioata.

8th September 2010, 03:44 PM
Eu as turna benzina pe ea si i-as da foc.

8th September 2010, 03:56 PM
:| ce oameni... cum sa faci asa ceva ?!

10th September 2010, 02:39 PM
vai de plm ......... stiu ca e multa lume cretina dar cel care filmeaza e si mai cretin ..........:omg:

10th September 2010, 02:49 PM
dunno what is so "horrible" about this...AFAIK this is being done all the time, since people have cats/dogs domesticated. The "old" way was to tie them up in a sack with some rocks and throw the entire thing into the river.

The idiot is the guy one filming this, I agree.

10th September 2010, 03:00 PM
I know,sometimes this thing is a must,but when that time comes you feel sad and this girl without heart throw them in river :(

10th September 2010, 03:14 PM
should hug them and kiss them and cry before she drowns them?

10th September 2010, 03:17 PM
no...But at least not laugh and sing or w.e she did.

10th September 2010, 03:22 PM
I find that quite the normal behaviour.
People use it to emotionally detach themselves from the cruel task that has to be done.

Ever heard of march songs/war songs/war cries? You know, the songs/sounds that people sing when they go and kill other people? Not worthless puppies? Just helps to keep the brain away from the fact that you are killing something. It would a lot worse if she would just coldly stare. Or feel something, for a fact. She manipulates herself into treating the puppies as inanimate objects, which is a good way to handle it. But thank god there is the internetz to make drama :)

10th September 2010, 03:24 PM
Men thiz mizige....so cold...has no heart....actually he has no SOUL !

PS: i am pretty sure she wasn't using the tecknique u posted above.

10th September 2010, 03:26 PM
Mizige, 65 years since last war, so wth are you talking about?

10th September 2010, 03:26 PM
yaya, cause there are hundreds of people dying in the name of money/god/fun/sex or whatever, but let us stand in horror and shock when few animals get drowned

@killer oh, I forgot you only count when people from Europe are in a war...

10th September 2010, 04:53 PM
should hug them and kiss them and cry before she drowns them?


But while she was throwing puppies she was like ''wuuuuuiiiiiiiiii'',i am sure she wasn't just pretending to make her more easy.
I know what i am talking because this:

Here in Serbia,every year,I'm going to hunt rabbits in the beginning of october.Sometimes my dad and me dont kill rabbit,we just injure him.My dad is old to run for him so i shoud run for him and step on on his neck to finish him.When that moment comes i am rly sad but there is no time for that,i need to do it fast or he escapes.
So Mizige,my point is i don't jump on his neck and sign,i just do it.I can't pretend over my feelings.Feelings are always stronger.

10th September 2010, 05:03 PM
basically meaning, you are a bigger girl then she is

10th September 2010, 05:07 PM
AHAHHAHAHHA mizige owned !

but still u are soulless.

10th September 2010, 05:12 PM
basically meaning, you are a bigger girl then she is

Mizige how old you?With your posts you make me think you are immature.

Love towards animals makes me a girl?

10th September 2010, 05:21 PM
I find that quite the normal behaviour.

*_* i cant believe u actually wrote that ......... so you find it normal to throw puppies into a river knowing that they will drown ?

well then i got just one question for you :

which of these puppies would look in the eyes , put in a bag , tie a rock around the bag opening and throw into a river ?



10th September 2010, 05:37 PM
I do not find throwing puppies into the river a common behaviour. As such, it is hard to approximate what is normal in the case.

What I was trying to say, that I do not think the girl behaved like you want to portray her - like some kind of a monster. She was killing puppies, just as thousands of people did before her; because there was no food for them, their mother died, or w/e. This act requires stepping over personal feelings per-se. If you can do it with a song, yay for you.
Others have to post on internet.

10th September 2010, 06:02 PM
Mizige, there is no excuse for throwing puppies into a river to drown other than the fact that the respective person is either retarded or grew up in a twisted environment.

about your defensive argument : the puppies were brought to this world because of humans and it is humans that didn't take responsibility which lead to this HORRIBLE EXECUTION .

lets say you were brought to the world out of your parent's instinct to perpetuate the species . they let you live a little and then decide to dump you in a river because they don't have the possibility to feed you .

there is a wide range of fail in this :

- fail to take responsibility;
- fail to educate children properly;
- fail to intervene in order to prevent a natural disorder;
- fail of consciousness;
- fail to preserve life;
- fail see that this is murder done by a child.

the list of fail goes a long way but this is the essential.

19th January 2011, 04:42 PM

19th January 2011, 08:24 PM
the gild did what she had to do. :beer2:

she choose a quick death by throwing them into the river... :bless:
better then let them starve.

MiZiGe is right. there are some others horrible things that looks common to us.

19th January 2011, 08:40 PM
there are much better and much more humane ways to killing animals then to throw them into a river

personally, I rather see a puppy throw that girl into the water and have her drown
cause I'm quite certain the bitch will do much more to damage the environment then the puppies would ever do
also, everyone always goes on that people are so much better than animals
people are per definition animals, we are primates
so, treat your animal brethren with some respect
if you want to experience some respect for yourself

(man, even christians would agree with me)

20th January 2011, 12:14 AM
you should read the bible man there is no heaven for pupy. all the animals are doomed ... to be killed :D

20th January 2011, 04:25 AM
you should read the bible man there is no heaven for pupy. all the animals are doomed ... to be killed :D

gingers have no souls either =))

btw you reminded me of my early childhood favorite anime : http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51RYPY6NDFL._SL500_AA300_.jpg

20th January 2011, 09:16 AM
all the animals are doomed ... to be killed :D

I've read the bible five times
I especially liked the old testament
the new one is just pathetic

anyway, you should reread my post
you've just pwned the entire human race

I don't mind though
nice going

20th January 2011, 10:09 AM
wtf man :pet: humans are made by God!
we are not animals!:omg:
do you feel like you are an animal?
i rly don't!:oops:

claudiu tu taci ca nu vreau polemici cu tine. deja stiu parerea ta.

20th January 2011, 02:53 PM
so, if god only made humans
that means that animals are the devils spawn
man, you keep getting better and better
troll on man, you're not disgracing anything at all

20th January 2011, 03:37 PM
ffs this thing continue :S

Well let me tell u this happend in my country she is from small town called Bugojno (Bosnia & Herzegovina), on the same day when she was trowing those puppies into a river a drugged girl killed an old men with her car, basicly she ripped his legs out, and yet, that thing was forgotten, but GOD please forbid that someone forget the girl who trow A FCKIN PUPPIES INTO A RIVER.

ffs cut the crap and go on.

Or better let put a roap arround her neck and kill her like Saddam Hussein and let us reward this drugged girl.


ffs I cant believe this rly I cant.

7th February 2011, 03:13 PM
ffs this thing continue :S

Well let me tell u this happend in my country she is from small town called Bugojno (Bosnia & Herzegovina), on the same day when she was trowing those puppies into a river a drugged girl killed an old men with her car, basicly she ripped his legs out, and yet, that thing was forgotten, but GOD please forbid that someone forget the girl who trow A FCKIN PUPPIES INTO A RIVER.

ffs cut the crap and go on.

Or better let put a roap arround her neck and kill her like Saddam Hussein and let us reward this drugged girl.


ffs I cant believe this rly I cant.

yo, dawg. who gives a crap about a OLD man anyway ? he was prolly an alcoholic old geezer and ofc out of his mind tryin to cross the street by himself ( being old and whatnot ) but ... the puppies were still YOUNG !!!!!!!!!!!! POOR PUPPIES !!!!!!!


wtf man :pet: humans are made by God!

idk bout you but my parents made me.

we are not animals!:omg:

yes we are, its a proven fact that humans are animals.

do you feel like you are an animal?

i feel like an animal all the time <3 and i love it.

claudiu tu taci ca nu vreau polemici cu tine. deja stiu parerea ta.

pai, cand afirmi ceva in public esti supus criticilor. Stiu ca stii parerea mea dar eu ma exprim k sa o stie si altii.

p.s. religia e o industrie =))

7th February 2011, 06:01 PM
cludiu devi patetic deja
e la latitudinea fiecaruia sa creada ce vrea el, nu e datoria ta si nu ai niciun drept sa incerci sa ii schimbi mentalitatea.

in legatura cu omul batran, tu chiar crezi ca el chiar nu conteaza?
Atunci tu ca om reprezinti 0.

7th February 2011, 11:26 PM
cludiu devi patetic deja
e la latitudinea fiecaruia sa creada ce vrea el, nu e datoria ta si nu ai niciun drept sa incerci sa ii schimbi mentalitatea.

in legatura cu omul batran, tu chiar crezi ca el chiar nu conteaza?
Atunci tu ca om reprezinti 0.

:happy: of of , cineva a muscat din momeala.

Multe aspecte nu tre luate in serios, mai ales trolling-ul meu iar daca il iei in serios e exact ceea ce vroiam sa faci.

App de mentalitate , tu crezi ca mentalitatea ta iti apartine ? nu. e rezultatul a tuturor influentelor care au avut contact cu mintea ta.

Acum serios fara trolling, influenta mea are ca scop sa invinga indoctrinarea cititorului iar atata timp cat tu citesti ce scriu esti sub influenta mea :tiphat: .

7th February 2011, 11:31 PM
App de mentalitate , tu crezi ca mentalitatea ta iti apartine ? nu. e rezultatul a tuturor influentelor care au avut contact cu mintea ta.
tocmai ai definit termenul de mentalitate
si avand in vedere ca pot sami sustin punctul de vedere nu sunt "sub influenta" nimanui

11th April 2011, 03:14 PM
M-am informat pe net la niste reguli aplicat celor care maltrateaza chinuie animalele etc si sa va zic ce-am gasit :

(1) Detinatorii de animale au obligatia de a asigura acestora, in functie de nevoile etologice, specie, rasa, sex, varsta si categorie de productie, urmatoarele:
a) un adapost corespunzator;
b) hrana si apa suficiente;
c) posibilitatea de miscare suficienta;
d) ingrijire si atentie.
(2) Detinatorilor de animale le este interzis sa aplice tratamente rele, precum: lovirea, schingiuirea si alte asemenea cruzimi.
Aceste regulii sunt in alte tari nu in Romania si pentru regula de mai sus priviti care este amenda :)) :
cu amenda de la 2.000.000 lei la 4.000.000 lei;
Deci daca chinuii animalele iei amenda asta pai in Romania mor animalele batute de oameni