View Full Version : W3-HELP Channel Survey

10th August 2010, 05:43 PM

I'm MusicDemon a new tech-supporter in channel W3-HELP.
A few people already made use of my time being there.
I'd like you to take a little survey about my help for you.

1. Did your problem got solved?
2. Did I help you in a proper way?
3. Did I react within a proper time limit?
4. How can my support become better than it is?
5. Do you think my work is useful?

Thank you for your time.
Technical Supporter - Channel: W3-HELP.

10th August 2010, 06:44 PM
1.About port forwarding router no but about internet to get it back to all computers yes xD
2.Yes you did.
3.Yes you did.
4.Just trying to be more online and of course have a little help by someone. :)
5.Of course it is. :)