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4th February 2010, 11:10 AM
Hostovani her

Kdyz se odhodlate k hostvani her, nebo jste nuceni protoze pri stavacce 1v1 souper taky nemuze hostovat a vas to vyhazuje ze hry, meli byjste vedet, ze ne kazdy muze hostovat. Zalezi od vaseho providera. Zavolejte mu a zjistete jestli sluzby ktery si od neho kupujete vam dovoluji hosting.

Takze prejdeme k seznamu veci ktere potrebujete pro uspesne hostovani her:

1. Windows Firewall je prednastaven na blokovani vseho. Takze ho musite nastavit tak, aby neblokoval port warcraftu - 6112 (pokud jste to nezmenili v nastaveni hry), nebo v pripade ze pouzivate ghost, tak bot_hostport nebo admingame port. Taky nezapomente na war3.exe, ghost.exe.

Zmacknete Start > Ovladaci panely > Brana firewall systemu windows nebo Muj pocitac > Ovladaci panely > Brana firewall systemu windows.

Neoznacujte "Nepovolovat vyjimky"

Prejdete na zalozku "Vyjimky", Zmacknete "pridat program" > prochazet > najdete war3.exe > zmacknete tlacitko "zmenit obor" a vyberte "kterykoliv pocitac" > ok > ok

Prejdete na zalozku "Vyjimky", Zmacknete "pridat port" > do nazvu zadejte cokoliv, ale tak abyjste to pak poznali > cislo portu je 6112 > protokol UDP > zmacknete tlacitko "zmenit obor" a vyberte "kterykoliv pocitac" > ok > ok

Prejdete na zalozku "Vyjimky", Zmacknete "pridat port" > do nazvu zadejte cokoliv, ale tak abyjste to pak poznali > cislo portu je 6112 > protokol TCP > zmacknete tlacitko "zmenit obor" a vyberte "kterykoliv pocitac" > ok > ok

V pripade ghosta: opakujte tyto kroky a zadejte ghost.exe a cislo bot_hostportu ktere najdete v configu ghosta. Port warcraftu a hostovaci porty ghosta nesmi byt stejne.

2. Modem/router musi byt nastaven na povolovani pripojeni k vasemu pocitaci.

Zmacknete Start > run > cmd napiste ipconfig jako vysledej byjste meli videt neco podobneho (Hodnoty jsou jenom nazorne):
Adresa IP ......
Maska podsite ......
Vychozi brana ......
Otevrte prohlizec internetu, do adresy zadejte hodnotu vychozi brany, cimz se dostanete na stranky sveho routeru. Zadejte login a heslo (jestli nevite jake, prectete si manual modemu/routeru ktery musite mit).

Jelikoz kazdy router se od sebe lisi, doporucil bych vam zajit na stranku www.portforward.com, vybrat ze seznamu svuj modem/router, preskocit reklamu! kliknutim vpravo nahore na "click to skip this advertesiment", vybrat warcraft III, a postupovat podle kroku tam napsanych. (Doporucena znalost anglistiny - zaklady)

Ted musite povolit a vytvorit virtual server.

Nazev: cokoliv
Protocol: UDP a TCP (jestli nemate moznost vybrat oba naraz, pak vyberte UDP a vytvorte dalsi s TCP)
Private port: 6112 ( v pripade ghosta, zadejte cislo ktere mate jako bot_hostport )
Public port: 6112 ( v pripade ghosta, zadejte cislo ktere mate jako bot_hostport )
Lan server: ( zadate hodnotu kterou jste zjistili v prvnim kroce )

A ted to nejdulezitejsi: Ulozit, OK, Ano, Povolit, Udelat ze me superubermega hosta

Nazorne obrazky a videa najdete pod spoilerem.







31st March 2010, 05:38 PM
Nastaveni staticke interni IP

Reseni na bazi nastaveni routeru (English, Advanced, Pouze text)

* How to choose a Static IP address * *thanks to BobR from PortFoward site :)

A -VERY- important part of setting up a Static IP address on your computer is CHOOSING an appropriate number to assign to the computer as its permanent, “static” IP address.

There’s more to it than just picking any old number at random, and the number your computer has been using up until now may NOT be an appropriate choice.

This is because some routers may have trouble forwarding ports to IP addresses which conflict with their DHCP server address range. That is, if the IP address on the computer is the same as one which the DHCP server might assign, the Port Forwarding may FAIL.

So the FIRST step in setting up a Static IP address is to find out what range the DHCP server is set up for, and choosing a number that will NOT conflict with that range.

Log into your router and look for a page that tells what the DHCP Server configuration is. This is usually found under “Advanced Configuration” and then “LAN” (or similar wording).

Once you’ve found the DHCP Server page there should be one of two different ways of displaying the RANGE of addresses in the server.

The first is the simplest. It gives the “Starting Address” and the “Ending Address” (or “Low” and “High”)

Thus for example if you see:

Starting Address
Ending Address

The “Range” of the DHCP server is FROM TO

The second way the DHCP Server range can be displayed is to give the “Starting Address” and the “Number of Clients” (or “Number of Addresses”)

Thus for example if you see:

Starting Address
Number of Clients: 50

The “Range” of the DHCP server is FROM TO (50 addresses, starting at 10)

You must choose a number from 2 through 254 which does NOT fall within the DHCP server range, and which does NOT duplicate the address already being used by the router (the IP address you type to log into the router)..

So in the first example you would be safe choosing a Static IP Address for your computer of

And in the second example you could safely choose, because these numbers are OUTSIDE of the DHCP Server range.

NOTE- This is important!

The "Range" of the DHCP server is INCLUSIVE.

That means when we say (just for example, your router will probably be different) :

Start address
End address

It means you CAN'T USE .100 OR .150 OR ANY of the numbers between them.

In most cases, all you’ll need to do is check the “range” of the DHCP server and pick a safe IP address outside that range for your computer.

BUT- there IS one situation which will require you to make a change to the ROUTER setup BEFORE you can go on.

If you discover the DHCP server is set to use ALL possible IP addresses, then that leaves NO safe addresses for YOU to use.

Starting Address
Ending Address <-- This leaves NO addresses free for YOU to use.

If the DHCP server is set to use the entire range, from .2 through .254 then you will have to CHANGE the higher figure to something lower in order to free up some addresses that will be safe for YOU to use.

On the DHCP server page, CHANGE the “Ending Address” from .254 to something like .200

Starting Address
Ending Address <-- This leaves 54 addresses free for YOU to choose.

That will make the “range” of the DHCP server from .2 through 200 then you can choose any address higher than .200, in this example,

Click the “Apply” or “OK” button, then if necessary, REBOOT the router to make the change take effect.

NOTE: VERY IMPORTANT!! We are picking the LAST set of digits in the IP address ONLY..!

The FIRST THREE sets of digits MUST be the SAME as the ones the router and the DHCP server uses.

Thus, if YOUR router uses, then you MUST pick a Static IP address that begins with 192.168.2

If YOUR router uses, then you MUST pick a Static IP address that begins with 10.0.0

Again- we’re ONLY changing the LAST set of digits.

Now that you’ve decided on a compatible Static IP address to use for your computer, follow this link for a guide to setting up the IP address on your computer-

However- SKIP the first few steps that tell you to look in IPCONFIG for the IP address, and just use the compatible IP address you've chosen with this guide.

Skip ahead to the step (#5 in the Windows XP guide) that tells you to open the Control Panel and follow the instructions from there.

http://portforward.com/networking/staticip.htm (http://portforward.com/networking/staticip.htm)

Once you've finished this procedure, the address you decided on, and configured in Windows TCP/IP Network Properties will be your "Static IP Address".

Whenever anything asks for your computer's Static IP Address, this number is what it's asking for.

NOTE- If your Internet connection stops working when you change Windows to a Static IP address, the reason usually is that you need to find out what your "DNS Server" addresses are.

If you have this problem, read THIS guide for help on that:

http://forum.portforward.com/YaBB.cgi?board=Knowledge;action=display;num =1116580819 (http://forum.portforward.com/YaBB.cgi?board=Knowledge;action=display;num=111658 0819)

Jednoduche reseni na bazi Windows (Pro zacatecniky i s Obrazky)

Pred zahajenim velice slozite operaci nastaveni staicke IP, musite nasbirat dulezite informaci:
Krok 1. Click Start, Click Run....

Objevi se male okno. Zadate cmd a zmacknete enter. Objevise strasidelne cerne okno v kterem napisete ipconfig /all a zmacknete enter. Ted si budete pripadat jako v Matrici. Ne vsechno co uvidite je to cim se zda byt. Nasledujici obrazky vam nazorne ukazou kterou informaci poterbujete (tohle je jenom priklad):


Pamatujte, nebo raci nekam zapiste IP Address (Adresa IP), Default Gateway (Vychozi Brana) a Subnet Mask (Maska Podsiti).

V pripade ze mate WiFi, jako nazev siti bude neco ve smyslu "Bezdratove pripojeni k siti" nebo "WiFi"



Krok 2. Dvojkliknete na ikonu pripojeni k siti a pak na "Properties" neboli "Vlastnosti". Jestli tu ikonu nemate, pak Start > Ovladaci Panely> Sitova pripojeni > vyberte vase pripojeni a kliknete na neho pravym tlacitkem > "properties" neboli "vlastnosti"


Krok3. TCP/IP Protocol -> "Properties" neboli "Vlastnosti"

Krok 4. Oznacte Use the following IP address ("Pouzit nasledujici adresu IP") a Use the following DNS server addresses ("Pouzit nasledujici adresy serveru DNS"). Najdete ten papirek kam jste zapisovali udajze z Kroku 1 a vyplnte udaje. Do pole DNS zadejte Default Gateway (Maska Podsiti)


Poznamka: V pripade, ze Default Gateway (Vychozi Brana) neni funkcni jako DNS server (nebezi vam internet), budete muset zajit do ovladacich panelu routeru (zadate Default Gateway (vychozi brana) do vaseho internet prohlizece; login a heslo najdete v dokumentaci od routeru nebo muzete zkusit admin/admin nebo login admin a heslo nechat prazdne; Pak najdete nejake informaci ohledne DNS nekde v zalozce DHCP.

Ted byste meli mit staticke interni IP

28th February 2011, 03:19 PM
Kdyz nejde pripojeni do vlastni hry. Instalace Loopback Adapteru

Jak nainstalovat Loopback adapter.
1) Control Panel (Ovladaci panel) > Add Hardware (Pridat Zarizeni).

Windows XP:

Windows Vista:

Windows 7: Pouze ENG (http://www.windowsreference.com/windows-7/how-to-install-a-loopback-adapter-in-windows-7/)

2) Click Next
3) Vyberte Yes, I have already connected the hardware (Zarizeni je jizpripojene)

4) Uplne na spodku seznamu vyberte Add a new hardware device (Pridat nove zarizeni)

5) Vyberte Install the hardware that I manually select from a list (Nainstalovat hardware ktere vyberu ze seznamu)

6) Vyberte Network adapters
7) Vyberte Microsoft v seznamu po leve strane. Pak vyberte Microsoft Loopback Adapter

8) Click Next. Uspesne jste nainstalovali Loopback Adapter.
9) Find the appropriate IP Address you need.

Nastavte IP loopback adapteru na svoji globalni IP (na strankach whatismyip.com (http://whatismyip.com/) najdete vasi aktualni vnejsi IP) a prejmenujte mistni pripojeni vytvorene adapterem na "Loopback".

V pripade ze mate dynamicke IP, potrebujete prenastavit IP Loopback adapteru pokazde kdyz se znovu pripojite k internetu.

10) Najdete nove vytvorene pripojeni Loopback Adapter, right click a vyberte Properties (Vlastnosti).
Kdyz nevite kde se to pripojeni nachazi, pak zalezte do sitovych pripojeni z ovladaciho panelu windows)

11) Vyberte Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) a jdete do Properties (Vlastnosti).

12) Vyberte nasledujici Use the following IP address, zadejte IP kterou jste zjistili v kroku 9 tohoto navodu.
Poznamka: Subnet Mask (Maska Podsite) zjistite zadanim prikazu ipconfig v CMD (Start>run>cmd zmacknout enter)
Vypada takto: nebo

13) Click Ok dvakrat.